Appendix D - Workflows / Tips and Tricks

It is a well known fact that most users of software applications use only a small amount of the commands and tools available to them. CDOT has created a Tips and Tricks web page (available only to CDOT users) and Workflow documents for the purpose of sharing commands, tools procedures, and information in order to make designing easier and more efficient. For Consultants who wish to see a list of InRoads Tips&Tricks or a list of Microstation Tips&Tricks can click the links below.


-InRoads Tips&Tricks

-Microstation Tips&Tricks


Many of the following workflows can be accessed from the Start Menu under _CDOT_CADD_Information. Note: this is only applicable for CDOT employees unless consultants set up a similar start menu procedure.

InRoads Related Workflows

Alignment Display in Cross-Section

This document guides you through the process of displaying the location of alignments such as Right-of-Way locations in cross section or profile views.

Annotating Horizontal and Vertical Alignments

This document demonstrates the procedure for displaying annotation for horizontal and vertical alignments. It further presents the workflow for annotating horizontal alignments that contain spiral components.

Calculate Volume

This document guides you through three methods to calculate volume: Grid, Triangle, and End Area.

Calculating Quantities With InRoads and Quantity Manager

This document guides you through the customization of the CDOT Pay-Items.mdb file using the InRoads Pay Item Manager.  When figuring quantities, it is possible that two or more features will use the same pay item but require different values for some formula variables.  For example, the same paving material may be used for both the roadway and driveways but the thickness of that material can vary.

Creating Combined Surfaces

This document explains the procedures for creating an exterior boundary, merging surfaces, and copying features from one surface to another.

Displaying Features in Cross Section and Profile

This document is a guide for displaying features in both cross sections and profiles.  There are two types of cells being placed.  One type is based on true scale meaning that the feature has a measurable size.  For example a 24” pipe.  The other type of cell is the pictorial location of a crossing feature for example overhead electric line.  In order to compensate for the two types each needs to be scaled differently.  Feature Filters have been developed to display them at their appropriate scale.

Exporting FieldBook Files

This document guides you through saving survey fieldbook information to separate MicroStation files for ease of referencing and level control.

InRoads Feature Filters

This document guides you through the use of InRoads feature filters.

InRoads Place Note Command

This document guides you through using the InRoads place note command which places annotation based on a combination of manual input and information extracted from InRoads geometry, surfaces, profiles, or cross sections. A major benefit of using this command is generation of annotation based on the engineering model and the ability to automate updating the annotation if the engineering information changes.

InRoads Plan and Profile Generator

This document guides you through using the Plan and Profile Generator command in InRoads.

Updating InRoads Features

This document guides you through updating Digital Terrain Model (DTM) feature styles and Transition Control names within InRoads.  These changes are necessary because new feature styles have been added and previous ones have been deleted.  This is a complimentary guide to Chapter 2, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and Chapter 5, Typical Sections from the Roadway Design Using InRoads Manual.  

General MicroStation Workflows

Batch Process

This document guides you through using the Batch Process tool in MicroStation.  Additional Batch Process files can be substituted into this workflow.  This example uses a specific batch process file that changes the level of the North Arrow cell and the Match Lines.  In 2.04 and prior versions of the configuration,  Plan and Profile Generator placed the North Arrow cell and the Match Lines on the incorrect level .  This process will correct this error in multiple sheets at the same time.     

Converting AutoCAD Files to MicroStation

This document guides you through translating AutoCAD files into MicroStation using a .CSV remapping file.  Steps 1-4 listed below should be followed when saving an AutoCAD file to MicroStation manually, without the use of a remapping file. The manual method should only be used on small files where a limited number of levels will need to be changed. In this case, use the change symbology tools in MicroStation as outlined in the Roadway Drafting Using MicroStation training manual. Once the levels have been changed manually, follow the steps listed under “Other Drawing Elements”, beginning on page 9, for updating text, cells, patterning, dimensioning, and models. For plotting AutoCAD files only, see the workflow, CDOT Printing AutoCAD Files in MicroStation.

Directory Structure

The CDOT workflow of projects requires that graphic and design data be created into multiple design files during the course of project development. These design files need standard, informative, and unique file names.

Edit Text Along

This document guides you through editing text along an element.

Greek Characters

This document guides you through placing Greek characters within the MicroStation text editor.  The characters can be placed within the typed text string with this procedure.

Level Update for V03.02

This document guides you through updating the MicroStation levels that were changed, deleted, and renamed from the Configuration Releases V03.01 and prior to V03.02.  All drawing files created under the V03.01 and prior Configuration Releases will need to be updated to the current CDOT standard levels. See CDOT Configuration Readme.pdf file located in the level library section.

Linking MicroStation Files to Excel Documents

This document guides you through linking Microsoft Office Documents within MicroStation.

Measure XY Distance

This document guides you through measuring distances using the Measure XY Distance Tool.

MicroStation PDF Composer

This document guides you through using MicroStation PDF Composer to create PDF renditions of MicroStation files.  PDF Composer runs outside of MicroStation so it is not necessary to have MicroStation open to run this utility.

Project Configuration File Management

This document explains how the Project Configuration File (PCF) is created, where it is saved, and how to update it.  The PCF file defines a specific directory that MicroStation defaults to when opening up a DGN file or referencing model files.  PCF files are extremely useful when multiple users are accessing the same project directory across the network, or when DGN files are moved from one directory to another.

Raster Manager

This document guides you through MicroStation Raster Management including Attaching Rasters, Clipping Rasters, Masking Rasters, and setting Raster Transparency. For additional settings on raster images including text clarity see CDOT Printing Raster Images.pdf under CDOT Workspace/CDOT Notes.

Two Line Note

This document guides you through placing a note with two lines of text with the leader line located between the text.

Using Curb Ramp Cells

This document guides you through the use of the pedestrian curb ramp cells.  These are dynamic cells that can be modified “on the fly” using predefined parameter sets and user input.

Using Georeferenced Images in Raster Manager

This document guides you through the Raster Manager settings in MicroStation for accurate placement of georeferenced image files.  Setting the default Raster Manager preferences (steps 1-9) only needs to be done once.  If your Raster Manager preferences have been previously set correctly you may proceed directly to step 10.

Printing Workflows


This document guides you through the basic functions of MicroStation printing.  It is used for printing single sheets, on a sheet by sheet basis.  See CDOT Batch Printing for printing multiple sheets at one time.    

Batch Printing

Batch Printing is used to print multiple files at one time. This tool can assist you in organizing Plot Sets for milestone submittals.  A .job file can be saved and called back for future printing.  It can also be used for plotting to PDF.

Printer Driver Adjustments

The default Print Driver for MicroStation has been set up for 11x17 printing and should not have to be edited. However, printers can vary in the naming convention for 11x17 inch sized paper. If the default paper size does not set automatically, you should try making the following adjustments. The CDOT default printer driver is located under: C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\MicroStation\Plotter Driver\.

Printing AutoCAD Files in MicroStation

This document guides you through printing AutoCAD files in MicroStation.

Printing Raster Images

This document guides you through the display settings for raster images and modifying text for better clarity.  

Shaded Color and Grayscale Printing

This document guides you through the set-up and printing process for shaded color and grayscale Sheet Files. This workflow may be used any time the user wants to highlight specific areas for things such as phasing plans, public meetings, ROW exhibits, etc.  Please note that the use of raster images (jpg, bmp, tif, ets.) will dramatically increase the processing time during printing.

Sheet Creation Workflows

Creating Multiple Plan Sheets

This document guides you through manually assembling multiple plan sheets using MicroStation.  First, you will create a layout of how you want all your sheets printed out.  Second, you will create the individual sheet files using those layouts.  The major benefit of this workflow is the limits and orientations of plan sheets are determined early in the process.  These sheet limits can be used to identify proper position, size, and rotation of text and tables.  

Monumentation Sheets

This document describes the process used to assemble a Right of Way Monumentation Sheet.  An InRoads XML report is used to display the required data from the geometry project.  This data is copied and pasted into the JPC#Monumentation.xls Excel file and then linked to the MicroStation JPC#ROWMonumentationSheet##.dgn file.

Note Sheets

This document guides you through the creation of CDOT Notes sheets. This includes general notes for each of the specialty groups, SWMP notes for Landscape and Environmental, as well as any other sheets with notes. The Design general notes will be illustrated in this workflow, but the process is the same for each type of notes sheet.

Right OF Way Property Tab Sheets

This document guides you through the use of the Excel spreadsheet JPC#ROW_Property_Tab_Sheet.xls with the JPC#ROWPropertiesTabSheet##.dgn to create a finished “Tabulation Of Properties” sheet file.

SAQ Sheets

This document guides you through opening the Summary of Approximate Quantities Sheet created within your project folder and attaching the DXF files created from the Sumgraph software, through the use of MicroStation Reference file tools.  Upon completion of the following procedures, the Sumgraph sheets can be plotted with the CDOT Batch Printing Process.

Title Sheet Vicinity Map

This document defines the procedure for inserting a Vicinity Map into the Project Title Sheet.

Workflows for the CDOT Menu and Other Programs


This document is designed to serve as a guide for utilizing the CDOT Redlines command. The CDOT Redlines command is used to attach multiple Redline files simultaneously to the same file.  The redline files are referenced from the project’s Redline folder.  For MicroStation design files the redline files will have the same filename but have different extensions, typically the username of the person who created the redline file.  For AutoCAD .dwg files the rules are slightly different.  The redline filenames will all carry the .dwg extension but have a _suffix appended to the file name.  Like the design files, this suffix will typically be the username of the person who created the redline file.

Importing gINT Project Data

This document is designed to serve as a guide for importing data from gINT project files (.gpj files) into MicroStation.  The gINT Translator/Import tool is designed to place the selected bore hole points in a MicroStation design file, plot the hole profiles along with a corresponding grid, and place the sheet border with legend items.  Using the Automatic fit option the drawing and graph (bore hole profile and grid) scales, view rotation, and sheet legend position will be calculated based on the range of the points selected.  These settings can be overridden by using the Manual fit option.  No matter what fit options are used the point locations are plotted in their true geographic position.  The gINT software is not required to run this utility.


This document guides you through using the Place Breaks command.  This is an update to the previous Breakline Load and Breakline Unload commands found in the CDOT Menu Add On’s.  There is now only a single Breakline entry on the CDOT Menu that provides a menu interface for selecting breakline and pipe break options.  

Placing SignCAD Signs

This document guides you through placing Sign graphics created by SignCAD software into MicroStation drawings.


This document guides you through using the Roughen command.   This is an update to the previous Roughen Load and Roughen Unload commands found in the CDOT Menu Add On’s.  There is now only a single Roughen entry on the CDOT Menu that provides a menu interface for entering the roughen parameters.  The Roughen command will also modify arcs, ellipses, and complex elements in addition to simple linestring elements.


This document is designed to serve as a guide for placing steel structure components in MicroStation.  The CDOT Steel utility is an update to the previous Steel program.

Typical Section Program

This document explains the basic functions of the CDOT Typical Section Program.  This program writes graphical data to the typical section file at a scale of 1:10.  All of the graphical properties such as the levels, patterns, text, and cells are set by default to the standard CDOT configuration.  


Using AutoTrack

This document guides you through the use of the AutoTrack software.  AutoTrack is used to determine the space required to maneuver vehicles.


CDOT Tips and Trick

CDOT Tips and Tricks found on the CADD and Engineering Innovation website, which can be accessed from inside MicroStation on the CDOT Group menu under CDOT Help. This website is presently only available to CDOT personnel.

MicroStation Tips and Tricks


InRoads Tips and Tricks