Plan Goals and Objectives

A goal of the Statewide Transit Plan is to develop a framework for creating an integrated transit system that meets the mobility needs of Coloradans. The Plan will develop policies that identify and support programs and projects that:

  • Increase the availability and attractiveness of transit through effective intermodal connections.
  • Make transit more time-competitive with automobile travel.
  • Maximize the role of transit within the broader transportation system to improve mobility, enhance system capacity and improve system efficiency.
  • Reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Statewide Transit Plan will incorporate the passenger rail elements of the Colorado State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan, as well as the outcomes of several studies, including:

The Division will also be developing a transit capital asset inventory.

In addition, the Plan will integrate the Local Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans from the 15 transportation planning regions (TPR) around the state. The Statewide Transit Plan Team will be developing these plans in cooperation with the 10 rural TPRs. The five metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) will develop their own plans as appropriate.

Statewide Transportation Plan

Concurrent with the development of the Statewide Transit Plan is the development of the Statewide Transportation Plan, under separate contract and managed by CDOT's Planning Section within the Division of Transportation Development.

The Statewide Transportation Plan is a corridor-based multimodal long-range transportation plan. It is being developed in compliance with state and federal transportation planning laws and regulations. The Statewide Transit Plan and the Colorado State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan will become integral parts of the Statewide Transportation Plan, along with other modal plans, such as the Aviation Systems Plan and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

Guiding Principles for Transit Planning at CDOT

  • When planning and designing for future transportation improvements, CDOT will consider the role of transit in meeting the mobility needs of the multimodal transportation system. CDOT will facilitate increased modal options and interface to facilities for all transportation system users.
  • CDOT will consider the role of transit in maintaining, maximizing and expanding system capacity, and extending the useful life of existing transportation facilities, networks and right-of-way.
  • CDOT will promote system connectivity and transit mobility by linking networks of local, regional and interstate transportation services.
  • CDOT will work toward integrating transit to support economic growth and development, and the state's economic vitality.
  • CDOT will pursue transit investments that support economic goals in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • CDOT will establish collaborative partnerships with local agencies, transit providers, the private sector, and other stakeholders to meet the state's transit needs through open and transparent processes.
  • CDOT will advocate for state and federal support of transit in Colorado including dedicated, stable and reliable funding sources for transit. Through partnerships, CDOT will leverage the limited transit funds available and seek new dollars for transit in Colorado.

Key Elements of the Statewide Transit Plan

  • Create a vision for transit in Colorado.
  • Define CDOT's role in that vision.
  • Develop strategic direction and transit-specific policies, goals, objectives and strategies for meeting needs.
  • Communicate the benefits of transit.
  • Identify multimodal transportation corridors and corridor visions.
  • Develop demographic and travel profiles.
  • Inventory existing transit systems.
  • Identify existing and future transit operations and capital needs.
  • Identify transit funding and conduct financial analysis.
  • Address performance measures.
  • Integrate other transit-planning efforts.
  • Conduct public involvement and agency coordination.
  • Collaborate with planning partners including transit providers, other state and federal agencies, and TPRs on transit-related projects.