2.0  Chapter Two - CDOT Workspace

The CDOT Workspace is a custom environment designed to facilitate CADD productivity and direct the user to CDOT-specific standards, workflows, and processes. The CDOT Workspace is a complex set of configuration files, MicroStation and InRoads resource files, workflow documents, and many other customized tools all designed to work together to increase productivity and efficiency, and allow for a standardized project plan set output. Some of the items in the workspace include:


The CDOT configuration files define locations where MicroStation and InRoads will find the CDOT-specific resources listed above. They also enable or disable specific MicroStation and InRoads tools allowing for a streamlined and standardized environment within CDOT. Along with the configuration files, custom tools and design and drafting, utilities have also been created are made available to the user within the workspace. These tools have been written to save time and maintain consistency between projects.


This chapter will cover the following topics pertaining to the CDOT Workspace:

2.1  Installation

For CDOT users, the installation of the Workspace will be controlled and maintained by the Information Technologies (IT) Department. This includes the user's hardware, CADD software including upgrades and service packs, maintenance and backup of pertinent CDOT workspace user files including user preference files, project configuration files (pcf), and user menu customizations. This ensures that all CDOT CADD workstations have the latest Workspace files loaded locally on the user's computer and updated through automated routines as needed when the user logs on each day.  Users can manually update the workspace at any time by selecting the Start > All Programs > CDOT_CADD_Information > Update MicroStation-InRoads Standards.  

2.2  Configuration Files

Custom configuration (*.cfg) files have been created that set the correct MicroStation resource files and other standard files located on the user's computer. Along with these configuration files, personal support files have also been included in the workspace allowing the user to customize their workstation without impacting other users. These files include user preference (*.upf) files, user interface (*.m01) files and function key menu (*.mnu) files.  The IT Department will also back up these customized files on a daily basis for recovery, if required. Occasionally when a new CDOT Workspace version is distributed, user defined files will have to be deleted or overwritten. However, this practice is avoided whenever possible.


Users should regularly check the CADD & Engineering Innovation website for information concerning configuration upgrades. If a project is approaching a major release, users may want to contact the IT Department to request that the configuration is updated at a later time. Under these circumstances, the automatic update process will disengaged, but an estimated time of upgrade is required to maintain standardization.

2.3  Workspace Folder Structure

A Workspace folder structure has been developed to store CADD resource files and information related to the CDOT workspace. The folder structure is integrated with the MicroStation configuration files so that the user will not have to navigate to find files. MicroStation and InRoads will find the necessary files to ensure the CDOT configuration runs correctly.  This folder structure can be found at C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT. The following link can be used to look at a detailed table showing the Workspace-CDOT directory and the associated files, Appendix G - Consultant Information.

2.4  Select Group Environment Utility

The Select Group Environment Utility was originally created to ensure that users from each specialty group have their unique resources available to them. In version 3.02 this utility was streamlined to contain only two selections; Bridge and xxMulti-Discipline. Selecting Bridge will give the user would have access to Bridge specific cells, seed files, linestyles, levels and symbology, and any other Bridge specific utilities or resources needed. All other users should select the xxMulti-Discipline selection, which is the Default Group Environment. The multi-discipline environment enables MicroStation to have all the cell libraries, level libraries and filters, available at anytime without having to load these items individually. If you are a designer, who crosses all disciplines during your design process, this is the recommended environment to load.

The Select Group Environment Utility can be run from the user's computer through the Start button. Remember that you MUST exit MicroStation prior to running this utility. The following link can be used to look at a detailed, step-by-step, workflow on how to use the Select Group Environment Utility.


See Appendix F - Select Group Environment Utility

2.5  Customized MicroStation Menu

The customized CDOT menu provides access to tools and applications intended to provide the user with a simple, efficient method to apply CDOT’s CADD standards to every project.  These menus direct MicroStation to place elements on discipline-defined levels for drawing consistency.

2.5.1  CDOT Group Menu

The CDOT Menu V03.02 is launched automatically when launching MicroStation. If the menu is closed during the MicroStation session it cam be restarted from the CDOT icon located on top left corner of the MicroStation Main Tool Box as seen below. Specific tools for each Group (with the exception of the Bridge Group tools) are accessed through this menu. A Group’s tools are displayed by selecting the desired Group name on the left side of the menu.


The menu bar at the top of the CDOT menu offers several options for groups displayed in the menu such as launching custom programs and accessing help files.  The Group Display button can be used to limit the number of Groups displayed on the left side of the menu. Custom programs, third party software, and MDL applications are launched from the Add On’s menu. The Help menu provides instant access to the CDOT CADD Manual,  workflows, and the CDOT Web Page.


Review the Discipline Specific Group Menus


Bridge tools are still available from the MDF based CDOT Group Menu.  This menu is auto-loaded when MicroStation is started.  The Group Menus palette has two options: The Bridge option provides access to the Bridge tools.  The Run CDOTMenus launches the CDOT Menu V03.02.


Note: The CDOT icon in the MicroStation Main Toolbox launches the VB menus not the MDF based menus.  If the MDF menus are closed there are two options for reopening them. Either close MicroStation and reopen the program to regain the MDF menus. Or open the VB menus and under the Add On's pull down, select Launch Bridge Menus.