Adobe Sign Training
Adobe Sign training is available through CDOT's Learning Management System (LMS), SOC Learns, and the CDOT Colleague YouTube Channel. Details about this important training, who should take it, and how to take it can be found below.
Using Adobe Sign with CDOT
CDOT Procedural Directive (PD) 21.1 authorizes the use of Adobe Sign, an electronic signature software program, on CDOT project records. It may be used to review, acknowledge, sign or professionally seal project records, including contract change orders. Especially now during the current COVID-19 situation, the use of Adobe Sign will expedite the electronic exchange, review and execution of documents.
Why are there two courses?
CDOT’s original training for e-signing project records and e-sealing project plans (record sets) was Adobe Sign Training I, which was released in January 2020 at a time when the State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors (AES) rules required that an electronic seal must be applied to each page of engineering drawings. Due to the significant reduction in the time required to set up plans for electronic sealing, in August 2020 the AES Board approved a CDOT-requested rule change which allows an option to seal only the cover page(s) of a set of drawings.
This option of the AES Board Rules [1.5 A 2 a (1) (a)] specifies that: "“When opting to seal only the cover page(s) of a set of drawings, a notation shall be included in the title block of every page noting that all seals for the set of drawings are applied to the cover page(s).”
CDOT's .dgn seed files files for record set cover page templates were updated to include this required notation in February 2021.
All seals for this set of drawings are applied to the cover page(s) |
Print Date: 1/8/2021 |
File Name: Cover_Page_01.dgn | |
Horiz. Scale: 1:100 Vert. Scale: As Noted |
Unit Information Unit Leader Initials | |
Adobe Sign Training I
If you are new to Adobe Sign, if you only need to e-sign basic documents, or if you need to e-seal project record sets and your project is using the old templates for e-sealing every record set page, then you should take Adobe Sign Training I. The training explains how to e-sign basic documents and e-seal each page of a record set.
This course is strongly recommended for design and construction Engineers-in-Training (EIT), Professional Engineer (PE) I, PE II, Civil Engineer Project Manager (CEPM), engineering technicians, consultants, specialty unit personnel, and others who handle or process Project Records as defined in PD 21.1.
There are two versions of Adobe Sign Training I:
- Adobe Sign Training I - Local Agencies
- Adobe Sign Training I - CDOT/Consultants
All videos included in the Adobe Sign Training I e-learning can be viewed on the CDOT Colleague YouTube Channel below:
Adobe Sign Training II
If your project is using the new cover page templates, then you should take this e-learning which explains how to seal only the cover page(s) of a record set.
- Reminder: If you need a refresher on basic Adobe Sign concepts or how to create a combined professional license seal and signature image, you can review the Adobe Sign Training I e-learning at any time.
This course is strongly recommended for all internal and external consultant professional engineers who are responsible for any part of project design and are required by AES Board Rules to seal record sets and/or other documents which require a professional seal.
If you already have CDOT LMS access, please sign in and search for Adobe Sign Training II (160004). If you are a CDOT external partner and do not have LMS access, all videos included in the Adobe Sign Training II e-learning can be viewed on the CDOT Colleague YouTube Channel below:
Adobe Sign Instructions
Adobe Sign may be used without purchasing a license if the document is sent by CDOT. Click here for instructions on how to log on to Adobe Sign.