I-70 in Denver | I-25 to Chambers Road
I-70 in Denver Area Overview
Now that the Central 70 project is complete, the next phase of this project will include maintenance and operations of the Interstate 70 corridor in Denver.
The location of this area is on I-70 eastbound and westbound from Mile Points 274 to 283.50 from east of I-25 to Chambers Road in Denver and Adams counties.
Travel Impacts - Late Winter/Early Spring 2025
Maintenance operations are ongoing. During the transition from winter to spring, crews will be doing the following activities as needed:
- Snow removal
- Guardrail repair
- Graffiti removal
- Pothole repair
- Roadway sweeping
- Sign cleaning and repair
- Drainage system and pond clean-up
- Litter clean-up
Please give crews room to work and drive safely around them.
About the Contractor
For the next 30 years, contractor Kiewit Meridiam Partners is responsible for operations and maintenance of I-70, and will be completing the final turn-over requirements. Project priorities includes general maintenance like snow removal, lane striping, pot-hole repair, signage repair.
- Project Cost: $400 million
- Work Schedule: As needed
- Traffic Impacts: Intermittent lane restrictions
- Timeline: February 2023 to March 2052
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