Accessibility at CDOT
Accessibility Statement
CDOT is continuing to improve the user experience and applying accessibility standards to ensure equitable access for all. Our websites and applications are aligned with WCAG 2.2 Level A and AA, and they are designed to meet the State of Colorado Technical Standard TS-OEA-002 and House Bill 21-1110. In compliance with 8 CCR 1501-11, Section 11.11, CDOT shall make reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures in an effort to ensure CDOT programs are accessible to individuals with disabilities, and to ensure nondiscrimination against persons with disabilities.
Available Accessibility Resources & Feedback
- Access for the Visually and Hearing Impaired: Dial 711 or (800) 659-3656 to reach Relay Colorado. Relay Colorado is a free service that provides full telephone access to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-disabled.
Aira: Free for up to 30 minutes per session. The State of Colorado is excited to offer a new service for blind and low-vision Coloradans through a partnership with Aira, an app that provides live, on-demand visual interpreting through human-to-human assistance. Coloradans get free access for up to 30 minutes per session while navigating state locations and digital services, reducing barriers to services and creating a more welcoming Colorado for all. To learn more about Aira, including frequently asked questions about the service, visit the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Aira webpage.
- CDOT Employee Accommodations: Contact CDOT’s Employee Relations at Headquarters or your Region Civil Rights Office for issues involving ADA workplace accommodations and other employment issues.
- Locations & Facilities: CDOT strives to provide services and hold meetings in locations accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Office of Environmental Justice & Equity at [email protected] to make a facilities accommodation request.
- Interpretation & Translation Services: CDOT provides reasonable language assistance free of charge upon request. Contact the Office of Environmental Justice & Equity at [email protected] for translation or interpretation requests related to any CDOT public meeting or service.
- Pedestrian Right-of-Way: Request installation of a curb ramp or accessible pedestrian push button. Complete the appropriate form and return to the Office of Environmental Justice & Equity.
- Records Requests: The Colorado Open Records Act, (CORA) C.R.S. § 24-72-201 to 206, provides that all public records shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in part 2 or as otherwise specifically provided by law. It is the intention of CDOT to apply this Act in a uniform and reliable manner to comply with its provisions. Please visit our CORA Information page on how to request a CDOT record not accessible on a CDOT website.
- Website Assistance: We welcome comments on how to improve this website’s accessibility for all users regardless of ability. Access the State of Colorado Accessibility standards and resources. For questions about the State of Colorado Accessibility Standards, email [email protected]. For accessibility concerns on a Colorado Department of Transportation website or application, please visit our Contact Us page or submit a request with our Customer Service team for assistance.
Accommodation Requests
We encourage individuals with disabilities to request reasonable accommodations that will help to ensure their effective participation in CDOT programs, services, activities and employment practices.
To request an accommodation and/or provide feedback regarding CDOT’s online services, please email [email protected] or send a letter to the following mailing address:
Colorado Department of Transportation Headquarters
Environmental Justice and Equity (EJE) Office
℅ Civil Rights Business Resource Center
2829 W. Howard Place
Denver, CO 80204
All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, and are provided at no cost to qualified individuals. Accommodation requests that would impose an undue financial or administrative burden on CDOT may not be fulfilled as requested.
Examples of accommodations CDOT can provide include:
- Sign language interpretation for an event, meeting or appointment
- An assistive listening device for an in-person meeting or event
- Alternative document formats (such as Braille or large print)
- AIRA, a free service for blind and low-vision users
For a Public Meeting
If you are attending a public meeting that is being facilitated by CDOT and require accommodation (such as ASL or other language interpretation services), please submit your accommodation request to the meeting organizer.
For an Appointment
If you have an appointment with a CDOT employee and require an accommodation, please let the person you are meeting with know about your needs in advance of your appointment.
In the Workplace
For current CDOT employee accommodations
- Current CDOT employees needing a workplace accommodation should contact their ADA Coordinator for support.
For prospective CDOT employee accommodations
- Prospective employees who have been invited to interview for an employment opportunity should work directly with the person arranging the interview.
If you have other questions or concerns about CDOT’s website policies please contact the Civil Rights Business Resource Center within the Environmental Justice and Equity (EJE) Office.
Discrimination Complaints
Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in any CDOT program or activity. This prohibition applies to all branches of CDOT, agencies and organizations that receive money from CDOT, such as contractors, consultants, local agencies and anyone else who acts on CDOT’s behalf.
File a Discrimination Complaint
Website Validation
We have used XHTML 1.0 and CSS that conforms to specification, as laid out by the W3C because we believe that usability and accessibility must have a solid foundation. If anything on this web site does not validate correctly, please contact the Site Administration, and not the Plone Team.
We have also endeavored to achieve AA accessibility as measured against Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2). We are aware however, that a number of the checkpoints of the WCAG are subjective — and although we are sure that we have met them squarely, there may be instances where interpretation may vary.
About Plone
This site uses the Open Source Content Management System Plone and has been designed to be completely accessible and usable, working in accordance with WCAG 2.2. If there is anything on this site — accessibility or validation related — that is not according to the standard, please contact CDOT via the Contact Us page, and not the Plone Team.
Available Access Keys
This site uses a setup that closely matches most international recommendations on access keys. These are:
— Home Page2
— Skip to content3
— Site Map4
— Search field focus5
— Advanced Search6
— Site navigation tree9
— Contact information0
— Access Key details