Ultimate Party Host campaign + winter DUI enforcement periods

Traffic Safety Pulse News

CDOT concluded its “Ultimate Party Host” campaign, in partnership with Uber and the Governor’s Highway Safety Administration (GHSA), to help prevent impaired driving during the holiday season. From Dec. 1, 2021, to Jan. 3, 2022, 803 people statewide redeemed more than $10,500 in Uber ride credits to help them get home safe from holiday gatherings.

During the recent Holiday Parties enforcement period from Dec. 15-29, 84 law enforcement agencies reported 311 total arrests, a decrease from last year’s 349 arrests during the same enforcement. The Colorado Springs Police Department (40) and Denver Police Department (29) recorded the highest number of arrests.

Holiday celebrations for 2021 concluded with 83 reported arrests from 73 agencies during the New Year’s Eve enforcement period from Dec 30. - Jan 2. No fatalities were reported during this time, a testament to the strong enforcement effort. Up next is the Winter Blitz enforcement period from Jan. 14 - 17.

Graphic promoting GHSA Uber Credit Campaign, text on image reads "Party Like a Pro" and there are two champagne glasses.