What should you, as a caregiver, expect from a Child Passenger Safety Technician?

Traffic Safety Pulse News

What should you, as a caregiver, expect from a Child Passenger Safety Technician? Meeting with a Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician for a car seat check is an interactive, educational process. The CPS Technician should take all the time necessary to ensure that you feel competent and confident in your car seat choice, installing the car seat into the vehicle and buckling your child into the car seat on your own. This one-on-one education typically takes 30-60 minutes, depending on the car seat and the vehicle. Here are some tips to help you prepare for time with a CPS Technician:

  • For expectant caregivers, schedule an appointment 4 to 6 weeks prior to the baby’s due date. Many CPS Technicians and their agencies recommend appointments several weeks in advance.

Baby in car seat

  • Know your child's current weight and height.
  • Using the car seat instruction manual and the vehicle owner’s manual, try to install the car seat into your vehicle prior to your appointment.
    • Tip! Check the index of your vehicle owner’s manual for “child safety seats.”
  • Be sure to bring the car seat instruction manual AND the vehicle owner’s manual with you to your appointment.
  • If possible, bring your child with you as well as another caregiver to help while you are learning. Be prepared to learn. The CPS Technician is trained to educate you to install and use your car seat properly in your vehicle.

Learn more about what to expect from a Child Passenger Safety Technician here.