Beware of the Beltless: 9-Foot Grenade Finds Summer Home and Continues to Raise Campaign Awareness

As the enforcement period for Click It or Ticket begins, we are reminded of the importance of asking others to buckle up, as highlighted by this year's Beware of the Beltless campaign.
If you're unbuckled and in a crash, you increase the risk of serious injury or death to the people you are riding with by 40 percent. Buckle up every trip, and don't be afraid to ask others to do the same.
The face of this year's Beware of the Beltless campaign was a 9-foot tall seat belt grenade with the spray-painted message, "An unbuckled passenger can be just as deadly" across the installation. The grenade traveled from the Auraria Campus to Coors Field to the Denver Convention Center.
But its awareness tour is not over yet; this summer, the grenade will find a new home at Fort Carson near Colorado Springs, where it will remind those who already buckle up to ask others to buckle up for the safety of everyone in the vehicle.