Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month Content Toolkit

Shift into Safe News

Messaging, content and resources from CDOT

An image with a red tint of a motorcycle in front of a mountain landscape. Text on image reads: “Wish you were here. To the motorcycles left behind.

Although Colorado motorcycle fatalities decreased slightly in 2023, the safety of these vulnerable road users remains a significant concern — especially because motorcycle-related crashes historically increase during the summer months.

In 2023, 134 motorcyclists were killed in Colorado. While motorcyclists represent just 3% of the state’s roadway users, they account for a staggering 19% of all deaths. But the good news? We’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to reversing this trend.

Please join us to raise awareness, promote safety and reduce motorcycle crashes on our roadways. You are invited to distribute and share materials below on your own channels or share the posts directly from CDOT’s social media feeds. For these efforts, CDOT will be using the hashtags #MotorcycleSafety, #SharetheRoad and #RideResponsibly.

Campaign Resources

Sample Social Media Posts

We encourage you to tailor your messaging to be consistent with your organization’s voice, social media strategy and audiences.

Rider Focused

  • Motorcycle fatalities in Colorado are at record highs. Ride carefully, ride defensively, ride like your life depends on it. #MotorcycleSafety
  • Attention, motorcyclists! Your safety matters. Remember these crucial tips:
    • Always wear a helmet — it reduces fatal injuries by 37%.
    • Observe traffic laws and obey the speed limit.
    • Ride within your capabilities.
    • Be predictable, signal your intentions, and stay aware of your surroundings.
    • Stay sober when riding.
    • Ride defensively and expect other drivers' mistakes. Make every ride a safe one! #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly
  • In 2023, 134 motorcyclists were killed on Colorado roads. While motorcyclists represent just 3% of roadway users, they account for a staggering 19% of all deaths. Please ride carefully and stay vigilant on the road. #MotorcycleSafety #SharetheRoad #RideResponsibly
  • Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to be killed in a crash than passenger vehicle occupants. And right now in Colorado, motorcyclist fatalities are at record highs. If that’s not enough to get you to ride responsibly, think about the loved ones you leave behind. #MotorcycleSafety #SharetheRoad #RideResponsibly
  • Motorcyclists: this is your reminder to always wear a helmet. Half of the riders killed in motorcycle crashes in Colorado in 2023 were not wearing a helmet. #HelmetsSaveLives #MotorcycleSafety
  • Alcohol impairment and speed are the top contributing factors in motorcycle crashes. In 2021, 30% of motorcyclists killed in a crash had alcohol in their system, and 34% of riders involved in fatal crashes in 2020 were speeding. Please, ride like your life depends on it. #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly
  • “Wish you were here.” The loss of a loved one is profound — but what if YOU were that loved one? For motorcyclists, it’s a valid concern. They are 28 times more likely to be killed in a crash than vehicle occupants. Ride responsibly — for your sake and those who long for your return. #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly #WishYouWereHere
  • Last year, 134 motorcyclists died on Colorado roads, leaving their loved ones with a sentiment we all hope to never express: "Wish you were here." Their absence serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of motorcycle safety — whether you drive on two wheels or four. Ride carefully — your life depends on it. #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly #WishYouWereHere
  • Did you know that motorcyclists, who represent only 3% of our state's roadway users, account for a staggering 19% of all traffic deaths? It's time to prioritize safety on our roads. Together, we can create safer roads and ensure that the sentiment "Wish you were here" remains a message of love, rather than loss. Share this post and spread the importance of motorcycle safety. #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly #WishYouWereHere
  • Summer is the deadliest time of year for motorcyclists. As motorcycle deaths reach all-time highs in Colorado, please ride responsibly, cautiously and defensively. Prepare for other drivers’ mistakes. #MotorcycleSafety #RideResponsibly

Driver Focused

  • Motorcyclists represent 3% of road users but account for 19% of all traffic fatalities in Colorado. With summer in full swing, motorcycles are everywhere — please be alert when driving and always check twice for motorcycles so we can prevent future tragedies. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Whether your vehicle has two wheels or four — let’s remember that motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. They face a 28 times higher risk of death in a crash than car occupants. As motorcycle fatalities are at an all-time high in Colorado, we all must heighten our awareness, enhance our commitment to safety, and do our part to prevent tragedies. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Look twice, save a life. A second glance = a second chance. Drive proper, save a chopper. There’s more than one way to say it, but the message is the same: double check for motorcyclists. They can be hard to spot especially when you change lanes or pull into an intersection. Do your part to prevent tragedies on our roads. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Motorcycle fatalities have reached record-breaking levels in Colorado. Drivers, please be aware of motorcyclists in your surroundings and follow these tips to prevent tragedies:
    • Yield to motorcyclists, especially while turning at intersections.
    • Look twice, save a life. Many crashes happen when a car pulls out onto a roadway without seeing a motorcycle.
    • Scan the road for motorcycles before changing lanes or turning.
    • Don't tailgate motorcycles. Give them plenty of space to brake in case of an emergency.
    • Check blind spots before changing lanes or merging, especially in heavy traffic.
    • Avoid distractions, such as phones or anything else that takes your eyes off the road.
  • Give motorcycles plenty of space! Tailgating a motorcycle increases the risk of a rear-end collision. In case of an emergency, give them space to brake.
    #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Bad news, Colorado: motorcyclist fatalities are the highest they’ve ever been in our state’s history. The good news: we’re all in the driver’s seat to reverse this trend. Drive the speed limit, check twice for motorcycles, drop distractions and never drive or ride impaired. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Last year, 134 motorcyclists were killed on Colorado roads. Let's protect vulnerable riders by driving with caution, checking blind spots, giving space, signaling clearly, avoiding distractions, and obeying speed limits. Together, we can make a difference. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles
  • Did you know motorcycle crashes have an alarmingly high fatality rate? These road users are at a much greater risk of losing their lives compared to occupants of other vehicles. But here's the truth that should shake us to our core: many of these tragedies are preventable. Please be alert, drive cautiously and look twice for motorcycles. #SharetheRoad #WatchForMotorcycles