The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer continue

Shift into Safe News

The summer travel season tends to be particularly dangerous on our roadways as more Coloradans travel to warm weather events and vacation destinations. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer, during which traffic crashes and fatalities spike in Colorado. Between May and September last year, there were a total of 351 fatal crashes in Colorado. Keep safety top of mind this summer — fatal crashes are preventable.

To curb roadway crashes and fatalities, CDOT is offering the following safety tips for summer travel:

  • Make it a habit to buckle up every time you’re in a vehicle. Buckling up reduces your chance of injury or death in a crash by 50%.
  • Plan a sober ride home before consuming alcohol or cannabis so you’re not later tempted to drive impaired. It’s always better to call a sober friend or use a rideshare service than risk a DUI, crash or worse.
  • Slow down and always obey the speed limit. In 2021, 29% of all Colorado traffic fatalities were speeding related.
  • Be on alert for motorcyclists. Keep your distance from motorcycles and focus on the road to avoid a crash. If you’re a rider, wear a helmet, keep speeds down, get trained and never ride impaired.
  • Put down distractions and set your phone on Do Not Disturb mode. Staying focused makes the roads safer for everyone.

Red graphic with Shift into Safe logo, The Heat Is On logo and photo of Colorado State Patrol vehicle on a dirt road with blue skies and clouds in the reflection of the vehicle windows. On graphic copy reads "100 Deadliest Days continue.”