2024 Project Yellow Light is now open to entries

Traffic Safety Pulse News

Project Yellow Light is for high school juniors and seniors between the ages of 14 and 20; or full-time undergraduate college students between the ages of 15 and 25 (for students under 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign an eligibility form).

To compete, students must create a video ad, radio spot, or design for a billboard ad that encourages young drivers who are new to the road to stop distracted driving — specifically phone use while driving. In a world where we regularly stay connected through technology, drivers don’t always realize when they shift into distracted driving. The ads that the students create are designed to remind them that distracted driving is dangerous.

  • For the video competition: For both the high school and college categories, the winner will receive a scholarship in the amount of $8,000. Videos are due April 1.
  • For the billboard competition: For both high school and college categories, the winner will receive a scholarship in the amount of $2,000. Billboard designs are due March 1.
  • For the radio competition: For both high school and college categories, the winner will receive a scholarship in the amount of $2,000. Recordings are due April 1.

In addition to a scholarship, the winning video may be turned into an Ad Council PSA and distributed nationally to approximately 1,800 TV stations. The winning billboard design may be displayed on Clear Channel Outdoor digital billboards across the U.S. The winning radio spot may be shared on iHeartRadio's national network and radio stations across the U.S. The winners will also be invited to see their winning submissions displayed on Clear Channel’s Jumbotron at a press event held in Times Square. Please consider sharing information on this opportunity to your social media channels, your websites or other communication platforms.