CDOT reminds Coloradans of the scary reality of a DUI citation

Traffic Safety Pulse News

If you plan to eat, drink and be scary during “Halloweekend,” make sure you plan a sober ride for wherever the night takes you. The Colorado Department of Transportation and Colorado State Patrol will partner with local law enforcement agencies for the Halloween Weekend enforcement period from Oct. 26 through Nov. 6. High-visibility DUI enforcement periods increase safety patrols on Colorado roads.

In 2022, there were 134 impaired driving arrests during the six-day Halloween Weekend enforcement period. Throughout all enforcement periods in 2023, there have been 4,131 DUI arrests. Additionally, 169 roadway fatalities have happened so far this year from crashes involving an impaired driver.

2023 impaired driving fatalities by highest counties. Arapahoe County has 21 fatalities, Adams County and Jefferson County have 17, El Paso County has 16 and Denver county have 13. Text on the bottom reads, "Data reported as of 10/4/23. Source: The Colorado Department of Transportation and Heat is On logos are on the top left.

“If risking the lives of others isn't a motivator to stop driving intoxicated, the inconvenience of a DUI could be. If people understood the true monetary cost and time commitment that follows a DUI citation, more people would think twice before getting behind the wheel,” said Col. Matthew C. Packard, chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “It’s every motorist’s responsibility to ensure they’re driving safe and sober, but we will deliver the consequences to those that refuse to accept that responsibility.”

“Planning a sober ride ahead of any holiday is simple and effective,” said CDOT’s Office of Transportation Safety Director Darrell Lingk. “With all the resources at our disposal to call a safe ride, there’s never an excuse to drive under the influence.”

On Oct. 8, for the 2023 football season, the Colorado Department of Transportation began offering free $10 Uber credits to help Coloradans plan safe rides through next week. As of today, CDOT has distributed more than 6,400 rides and more than $22,000 in Uber discounts throughout its partnership with Uber and the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) since May.

Penalties for first-time DUI offenders are determined by the court and may vary, but could cost someone an average of $13,530 and a minimum of 170 hours of their time dealing with the consequences. According to, offenders could rack up the costs below in addition to any criminal fines:

  • Increased Auto Insurance: $3,600
  • Ignition Interlock Service: $2,172
  • Alcohol/Drug Treatment & Education: $1,000
  • Defense Attorney: $3,650
  • Arrest, Court & Legal Fees: $2,300
  • Department of Revenue & DMV Fees: $773

For yearly impaired driving crash and fatality data in Colorado, visit For local law enforcement agency plans, visit