Introduction to the LEL Team
LEL Corner
The Traffic Safety Pulse Newsletter will now feature the Law Enforcement Liaison corner, which will include news and webinars for relevant updates on the LEL team.
The Colorado Highway Safety Office would like to introduce you to the Law Enforcement Liaison Team, which consists of retired law enforcement officers. Each LEL is responsible for their own region in the state of Colorado, which is divided into 3 regions.
Jim Bath ([email protected]) is the Law Enforcement Coordinator & Program Manager.
Erin Brannan ([email protected]) is the LEL for Denver Metro, Mountain, Western Slope.
Lee Birk ([email protected]) is the LEL for the North and Northeast Region.
and Mark Hunt ([email protected]) is the LEL for the South and Southeast Region.
A Law Enforcement Liaison serves as a vital link and conduit between the State Highway Safety Office and that state’s law enforcement community. LELs help promote and enhance state and national highway safety programs, initiatives and campaigns.
LEL Regional Map
January 2022 LEL Webinar
Chief Jeff Glover and Chief Mitchell Davis shared their perspectives on the challenges that face front-line law enforcement related to equity, inclusiveness and diversity during the January 2022 LEL webinar. The recording is now available here.