Drug-Free Communities
Traffic Safety News
One of the leading factors for serious injury and fatal crashes is alcohol and drug impairment. Drug-Free Communities (DFC) announces $12.5M available for new Coalitions addressing youth substance use prevention.
The DFC program, which is managed by CDC, has two goals: Establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, public and private non-profit agencies, as well as federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance abuse among youth; and Reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, reduce substance abuse among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse.
Recipients are expected to work with leaders in their communities to identify and address local youth substance use problems and create sustainable community-level change through the implementation of evidence-based and practice-based strategies. Recipients can receive up to $125,000 per year for up to five years.
The Notice of Funding Opportunity can be found at www.grants.gov by searching for “CDC-RFA-CE21-2102.”
Application due date: 05/10/2021