Safety Advocates
Safety Advocates in Colorado such as educators, local health departments, law enforcement and other safety-based organizations have made strides in making a real difference and increasing teen driving safety. Because of you, Graduated Drivers Licensing (GDL) laws that are now enforced statewide have contributed to a 50 percent decline in teen traffic fatalities since its inception.
This website is designed as a resource for safety advocates statewide. These materials have been prepared for you by CDOT and the Colorado Teen Driving Alliance (CTDA), an interagency statewide coalition of champions that acts on reducing teen motor vehicle crashes and improving teen motor vehicle safety.
New teen drivers are on the road every single day. Here, we provide you with tips and tools to help spread the message about safe driving.
- Distribute and post educational materials at schools, libraries and other places where you can reach teens in your area.
- Encourage teens to include articles about safe driving in the school newspaper.
- Post safe driving web banners on your website.
- A comprehensive tool kit including posters, brochures and more are available for your use free of charge!
- Learn how to further involve parents in the driving experience with their teens.
- Communicate with parents, and provide them with tips and tools, such as a Driving Contract (available by emailing [email protected]), to help them get more involved in the driving process with their teen.

- Learn how to involve law enforcement.
- Provide law enforcement officers in your area with the information and tools necessary to strictly enforce GDL laws.

- Find statistics and facts here.
- Analyze and interpret the safety data we have available on the subject of teen driving, including national and Colorado-specific fatality data, seat belt use, distracted driving and more.