Car Seat Recycling Program
Program Information
Recycle old, expired or damaged car seats to keep them off the road, and keep kids safe.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), three out of every four car seats are installed incorrectly. Using a car seat correctly is hard enough – don’t compromise your child’s safety even further by using an expired or damaged car seat.
Carseat Recycle Dropoff Locations
It’s important to recycle old, expired or damaged car seats to keep them off the road and keep kids safe. To recycle your old car seat, please bring it to one of the drop-off locations listed below. There is no cost to recycle your car seat.
City | Phone Number | Address | Agency | Notes |
Golden |
303-273-1616 (0) |
1096 Mcintyer Street |
(24/7) POD is in the parking lot next to the building. Put it in the pod or leave it next to the pod. |
Castlerock |
303-628-3115 (9) |
4600 Casleton Court |
(24/7) POD is out in the front parking lot. Please stack furthest to the back as possible. |
Commerce City |
303-289-4760 (9) |
8200 North Hwy 85 |
(24/7) POD is located behind a fence in a secured area for the Troop 1D office. Please do not pass the concrete barriers with the sign that says "Property of the State of Colorado Authorized Vehicles Only Beyond this Point." Drop off car seats along concrete barriers next to the sign that says, "Authorized Personnel Only Beyond this Point." Assigned staff will move the car seats into the secured area and put them in the POD. |
Florence |
719-784-3275 |
600 W. 3rd St. |
(24/7) POD is located in the alley behind the Office. Leave the car seats outside the POD and we will put them inside. Do not leave car seats outside the Troop office door. |
Colorado Springs |
719-635-0385 (9) |
1480 Quail Lake Loop #D |
(24/7) POD is located in a corner of the parking lot outside of the fenced/gated area. POD is unlocked. We request that no car seats are left outside of the POD. Stack the car seat as far back and as high as possible. |
Lamar |
719-336-7403 | 310 E. Washington St. | CSP |
(Monday - Friday, 0900-1600 hours)Please leave seats at the front office. |
Pueblo |
719-288-2636 | 5615 Willis Blvd | CSP |
(Monday - Friday, 0800 - 1600 hours) If, after hours, leave the seat by the front door |
Sterling |
970-522-4696 |
118 Riverview Rd #200 |
(Monday - Thursday, 0730 - 1600 hours) POD is located behind the CSP building next to the CSP garage at the back of the property. Car seat can be left next to the POD. |
Limon |
719-775-2964 | 131 C Ave |
(Monday - Friday, 0800-1600 hours) If office is open bring it inside, otherwise, leave outside by fence. |
Fruita | 970-858-2250 | 554 Jurassic Ct. |
(Monday - Friday 0800 - 1600 hours) POD located behind locked gate. Car seats can be brought into the lobby during business hours. |
Durango | 970-385-1675 (1801) | 20591 Hwy 160 W | CSP |
(24/7) POD is locked - leave car seat in front of POD anytime. |
Alamosa | 719-589-2503 | 3110 1st St. |
(Appointment only - contact the Troop Office at 719-589-2503 to schedule a drop off time) POD located behind a locked gated fence. |
Montrose | 970-249-9575 | 2420 N. Townsend Ave | CSP |
(24/7) Leave the car seat by the gate or the front door of the office building. |
Arvada | 303-424-3012 | 7903 Allison Way | Arvada FD |
(24/7) POD is located in the northwest corner of the parking lot. |
Broomfield | 512-999-5408 | 7051 W 118th Ave | Precious Child |
(Monday - Friday, 0900 – 1700 hours) POD is located by the donation drive-through area. Please drive around the building and drop off car seats with an attendant at the second set of garage doors. |
Denver |
720-319-7792 |
5590 Joliet Street, Denver, CO 80239 |
WeeCycle |
(Tuesday 9am-12pm and Thursday 12pm-4pm). Use the entrance on Joliet Street and follow the cones to drop off car seats. |
Craig |
970-826-2370 |
800 W 1st St. #400 |
CSP/Craig PD |
(Monday through Friday (excluding major holidays) from 8am to 5pm) The POD is located in the back parking lot but that area is not accessible to the general public. People are welcome to bring car seats into the lobby of the Moffat County Public Safety Center; if they cannot get there during business hours they can set them inside the vestibule. |
Frisco |
970-668-6840 |
201 Peakone Blvd (PO Box 625) |
(24/7) POD located in the parking lot. Place car seats inside the pod.
Secondhand Car Seat Checklist
It pays to be sure. Do your research. Have your seat checked. When in doubt, recycle it.
Reusing a car seat can be an option to reduce waste and save costs, but only if you know the answers to all of the following questions. If not, please keep your children safe by recycling the seat. When in doubt, recycle it. Ultimately it is up to the caregiver to make the final decision on whether or not to use a secondhand car seat. A CPS technician cannot certify if a secondhand car seat is safe to use.
Is the history of the car seat known?
Does the car seat appear to be in good working order?
Are the labels present?
Is the car seat expired?
Has it been in a crash?
Is the car seat recalled? If so, has it been corrected? See a recall list on
If you would like a hard copy of the used car seat checklist, please visit our Request Child Passenger Safety Materials webpage.
Important Reminders

A modern, intact car seat is a child’s best protection in a crash.

Never reuse a car seat involved in a crash.

Car seats weaken over time from exposure to high-altitude sun and temperature extremes throughout the year.

Beware of recalled seats. There are currently more than 50 recalled car seat models listed on the NHTSA website.

Recycle your seat for free at any Car Seats Colorado drop-off location.