Frequently Asked Questions

Colorado has a new law that took effect January 1, 2025. You can find the new law information on our Colorado Child Passenger Safety Law webpage

Safety experts recommend that children under 13 years of age should ride in the back seat of the vehicle because the airbags are designed for adult protection. Therefore, vehicle manufacturers also state that children should ride in the back seat.

Colorado law requires that all children under 9 years of age must ride in the back seat of the vehicle if a back seat is available. If a back seat is not available, the child could ride in the front seat if both the vehicle and car seat manufacturers allow for installation in this position.

If the front seat must be used, move the vehicle seat back as far from the airbag as possible. Never place a rear-facing child restraint in front of an active airbag. Confirm that the car seat is adjusted properly for the child and is installed according to car seat and vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.

    No, this child would need to stay in their harnessed car seat until they meet the height, weight, and age requirements for the booster seat.

    Colorado law requires that children must be properly restrained at all times. This includes following the manufacturer’s rules for car seat use. Booster seats have a minimum requirement that the child must be at least 4 years of age, and at least 40 pounds to use it. There will also be a height minimum that must be met. There are some booster seats that have a minimum requirement of 5 years of age and 50 pounds.

    Safety experts recommend that children continue to use their harnessed car seat until they reach the upper height or weight limit. Once they have outgrown the car seat, they can move into a booster seat if they meet the minimum requirements set by the manufacturer.

    Colorado Law requires that all children under 9 years of age who are being transported in a motor vehicle, or in a vehicle operated by a childcare center shall be properly restrained in a child restraint system according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This could be a harnessed car seat or a booster seat.

    The law also requires that every child who is at least 9 years of age, but less than 18 years of age shall be properly restrained in a child restraint system or a vehicle seat belt, if the seat belt fits them properly.

    Therefore, to stop using the booster seat, the child must be at least 9 years of age, and the seat belt must fit them properly.

    Safety experts advise against adding anything to the seat belt. These items are not regulated or tested and may increase the risk of injury to a child. If the seat belt does not fit the child properly then they should continue to use a booster seat.
    The 5-step seat belt checklist is a good way to determine if the child is ready to use just the vehicle seat belt.

    1. Does the child sit all the way back against the vehicle seat?
    2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the vehicle seat?
    3. Does the seat belt cross the shoulder between the neck and arm?
    4. Does the lap belt lay flat across the upper thighs?
    5. Does the child stay seated like this for the entire trip?

    If you answered "no" to any of these questions, your child would need to continue using the booster seat.

    The law requires that every child who is at least 9 years of age, but less than 18 years of age shall be properly restrained in a child restraint system or a vehicle seat belt, if the seat belt fits them properly.

    The 5-step seat belt checklist is a good way to determine if the child is ready to use just the vehicle seat belt.

    1. Does the child sit all the way back against the vehicle seat?
    2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the vehicle seat?
    3. Does the seat belt cross the shoulder between the neck and arm?
    4. Does the lap belt lay flat across the upper thighs?
    5. Does the child stay seated like this for the entire trip?

    If you answered "no" to any of these questions, your child would need to continue using the booster seat.

    It is important to remove heavy coats, snowsuits or bulky layers before placing the child in the car seat or booster seat. These thicker items will make it difficult to properly adjust the harness or seat belt to fit the child. Once the child is properly buckled in you can add a blanket over their lap or put their coat on backwards.

    Contact the car seat or booster seat manufacturer with any questions about whether the seat needs to be replaced after a crash. Some manufacturers will require replacement after any crash, while others may state to replace the seat after a moderate to severe crash. You can also find crash replacement guidelines in the car seat owner’s manual.

    Car seats and booster seats may have an expiration date, or useful life limit which is set by the manufacturer. This information can be found on the car seat shell, on a label, or in the instruction manual. You can also contact the car seat manufacturer to determine the expiration date for your seat.
    Some of the reasons a car seat or booster seat may have an expiration date include updated technology, labeling requirements, and design improvements.

    Car seats that are damaged, expired, or outgrown can be recycled at one of our locations around the state. You can find these locations on our Car Seat Recycling Program webpage.

    Here is a checklist to help you decide whether you want to use a secondhand car seat or booster seat.

    • The history of the car seat or booster seat is known.
    • The car seat or booster seat has never been involved in a crash.
    • The car seat or booster seat has all its parts and is in good working order.
    • The labels are present showing the model’s name, number, and date of manufacture.
    • The car seat or booster seat is not expired.
    • The car seat or booster seat does not have any recalls.
    • There is access to the instruction manual.

    Certified child passenger safety technicians cannot guarantee that a secondhand car seat or booster seat with an unknown history is safe to use.

    RVs are exempt from Colorado's child passenger safety laws unless the child is riding in the front passenger seat. If a child is riding in the front-passenger seat, they must be properly restrained according to the law.

    Safety experts do not recommend transporting anyone in the back of RVs due to their design. Car seats cannot be properly installed in the back of an RV. It is strongly recommended to transport children in a separate vehicle where they can be properly restrained in an appropriate child restraint.

    These types of vehicles are exempt from Colorado's child passenger safety laws. However, this does not mean children are any safer traveling in these types of vehicles. It is always the safest option to use car seats and booster seats in all vehicles.

    Childcare centers are required to follow the child passenger safety law when transporting children unless they are driving a commercial motor vehicle.