
Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for Vasquez Boulevard was completed in August 2018.

The Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for Vasquez Boulevard was completed in August 2018 to provide a framework for the long-term implementation of transportation improvements along the Vasquez Boulevard corridor between 52nd Avenue and 64th Avenue as funding is available, and to be used as a resource for future project NEPA documentation. CDOT, in cooperation with FHWA and local agencies including Adams County, Commerce City, City and County of Denver, DRCOG, and RTD, conducted the PEL study following FHWA and CDOT PEL guidance. The PEL study identified long-term transportation improvements and evaluated potential near-term projects that could be implemented with available funding.

Although the PEL study suggested some near-term projects in the vicinity of Vasquez Boulevard and 60th Avenue, additional work was needed to fully investigate a range of alternatives for improvements to be implemented with available funding. The Vasquez Boulevard, I-270 to 64th NEPA and Design project developed and evaluated alternatives focused on addressing the project's Purpose and Need and goals, resulting in identification of the Proposed Project.