Vasquez Boulevard Improvements: I-270 to 64th Avenue | Design Phase
About the Project
CDOT, in close coordination with Commerce City and Adams County, is conducting the Vasquez Boulevard I-270 to 64th Avenue project. This project aims to improve traffic operations, safety and pedestrian connections within the project area.
CDOT conducted an alternatives development and evaluation process in 2020, considering alternatives carried forward from earlier study and newly developed alternatives. This process included extensive coordination with Commerce City and Adams County staff and elected officials.
Vasquez Boulevard I-270 to 64th Avenue NEPA and Design project is located within the city limits of Commerce City in Adams County.
The study limits include Vasquez Boulevard from 58th Avenue (just north of the I-270 interchange) to 69th Avenue, and is generally bounded between Clermont Street on the west and Glencoe Street on the east.
Coordination has been occurring with potentially impacted property owners to gather feedback related to refinements to minimize impacts as design progresses. An Environmental Assessment study was conducted to identify potential impacts and mitigation strategies, per National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidance. The study concluded in March 2024 with a Finding of No Significant Impact. The project will be designed and constructed in phases, with construction occurring from Spring 2025 through Fall 2027. Public and stakeholder coordination will continue to occur throughout the process. Additional information can be found in the Resources links on the left side of this page.
Schedule & Important Dates
- Finalize design plans for construction package 1 (northeast area): Early 2025
- Begin construction for package 1: Spring 2025
- Finalize design plans for construction package 2 (remainder of improvements): Fall 2025
- Begin construction for package 2: Late 2025 / Early 2026
- Package 1 construction complete: Fall 2026
- Package 2 construction complete: Fall 2027
A set of proposed project improvements have been recommended. The preliminary design includes the following main elements:
- At 62nd Avenue/Vasquez Boulevard Intersection: Intersection improvements with new traffic signal providing full access between Vasquez Boulevard/CO 2 and 62nd Avenue Continuous-T intersection allows southbound Vasquez Boulevard through traffic to travel through intersection without stopping.
- 62nd Avenue between Vasquez Boulevard and Parkway Drive widening and addition of turn lanes.
- At Parkway Drive/Forest Drive Intersection: Add curb bulb-outs on the corners.
- At 60th Avenue/Vasquez Boulevard/Parkway Drive Intersection: Prohibit left turn from Parkway Drive (all inbound movements to Parkway Drive remain. Improve traffic signal phasing and timing. Add a new northbound right turn lane from Vasquez Boulevard to Parkway Drive and 60th Avenue
- Vasquez Blvd between 60th Ave and 64th Avenue Reconfigure lanes and striping.
- Northwest quadrant of the 60th Avenue/Vasquez Boulevard Intersection Area: Add a new local roadway connection running east – west between Dexter Street and Clermont Street on the 61st Avenue alignment. Add a left turn from Clermont Street onto 60th Avenue. The local road and sidewalk alignment and location of drainage ditches will be determined during final design.
- Southwest quadrant of the 60th Avenue/Vasquez Boulevard Intersection Area: Add a new local roadway connection on the Clermont Street alignment running south-north from 60th Avenue to the 59th Avenue alignment, then turning to run east – west between Clermont Street and Dexter Street Extend the eastbound through/right turn lane for Vasquez Boulevard further west on 60th Avenue.
- Dexter Street/60th Avenue Intersection: Prohibit the northbound connection from Dexter Street to 60th Avenue (inbound movements from Vasquez Boulevard/60th Avenue to Dexter Street remain). Southbound Dexter Street traffic would have a right turn only at 60th Avenue.
- Driveways on 60th Avenue, 62nd Avenue, Parkway Drive, Clermont Street, and frontage roads remain as they exist or have minor changes.

Recommended Project Improvements section of this webpage.