US 50 and Baxter Road Intersection Safety Improvements | Construction Phase
About the Project
The project consists of making safety and traffic flow improvements at the US Highway 50C (Business) intersection at Baxter Road in Pueblo. Primary work includes widening the north side of the intersection to improve the turning radius for trucks, converting the westbound US 50C through lane at the intersection into a right turn and acceleration lane, and adding concrete islands. Other work includes installing streetlights and signs for improved visibility and gap acceptance.
Work this Week & Lane Closures on US 50 & Baxter Road
Project Facts
- Construction Cost: $850,000
- Contractor: Siete, Inc
- Timeline: May 2025 to July 2025
- Location: US 50C at Baxter Road
- Nearest Town/City: Pueblo
- Mile Point(s): MP 7 to MP 8
- County: Pueblo
Project Benefits
- Improve traffic flow by adding turn and acceleration lanes to and from US 50C at Baxter Road
- Enhance safety, sight distance and gap acceptance
- Upgrade intersection turn movements with the addition of channelized left and right turn median islands
Work Schedule
- 55 working days or approximately three months, with an anticipated completion date of July 2025
- Working hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday, with some night and weekend work expected
Traffic Impacts
Motorists can expect the following impacts during the period of construction:
- Single lane configuration on westbound US 50C, Monday to Friday
- 24/7 shoulder closures on westbound US 50C
- Single lane closures on Baxter Road from US 50C to Gale Road, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday to Friday
- Two-way traffic maintained from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Baxter Road from US 50C to Gale Road
- Changing conditions during various phases of work
- Traffic shifts site wide during milling and paving
- Signs and devices present to alert motorists to the work zone, closures and restrictions
- Refer to for real-time travel conditions and road closures