Public Outreach

Community Outreach

As spring and summer nears, our community outreach team is gearing up for community events, meetings and festivals. If you have any community events, Home Owners Association or neighborhood meetings, festivals, concerts or even a block party where you’d like our outreach team to attend, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] or fill out our feedback form. We’d be happy to attend, give a presentation and offer an opportunity for you and your neighbors to provide feedback on the project.

We have project materials available in English and Spanish, so please don’t hesitate to ask our team if you would like to display any materials in your organization’s office, meetings or events. Your partnership is invaluable in helping us connect with the community and foster meaningful engagement.

Public Meetings – April 2024

CDOT and FHWA hosted a series of public meetings in April 2024. In person meetings were held on Wednesday, April 17 and Saturday, April 20 at the Eagle Pointe Recreation Center in Commerce City. A webinar was held Thursday, April 18. CDOT publicized these meetings through various channels like print, social media, radio, TV, postcards, flyers, and community events, however, the team has learned that many residents did not receive their postcards in the mail prior to the meeting. CDOT apologizes for any inconvenience and emphasizes the importance of community input. The project team is actively working with the United States Postal Service and its Every Door Direct Mail program to ensure that we avoid delays in the future so that residents receive this information in a timely manner. There will be additional options for engagement throughout the study. Please also feel free to contact the project team for one-on-one or group meetings.

April 18th Webinar Recording

April 2024 Open House Displays - English

Abril de 2024 Exhibiciones públicas de puertas abiertas

April 2024 Public Meeting Summary

Stakeholder Workshops

The project is using an innovative, community-centered planning process to engage stakeholders through a series of stakeholder workshops. This process will help CDOT and FHWA to better understand community values and visions for the project and surrounding neighborhoods. The stakeholder group began meeting in March 2024 and will be engaged throughout the EIS process. Summaries of the meetings are provided below.

Listening Sessions – Fall/Winter 2023

CDOT held eight listening sessions at different locations in the neighborhoods surrounding the project corridor to collect community input. Residents were interested in learning about the project and identified issues for the team to consider, including traffic and congestion, safety, environmental health, and connectivity.

Public Scoping Meeting – October 10, 2023

CDOT and FHWA hosted a public meeting on October 10, 2023, at the Eagle Pointe Recreation Center in Commerce City. Postcards were mailed to more than 38,000 residents in the surrounding area notifying them of the meeting. 80 people attended the meeting in person, and many others provided thoughts through the project email address and online comment forms. Most attendees expressed excitement to see the project moving forward and appreciated the opportunity to learn about the alternatives being considered. Many also noted appreciation for the in-person meeting and the opportunity to provide input and talk to project staff. Overall, attendees were highly engaged and provided detailed comments and thoughts. Materials from that meeting are available at the following links:

October 2023 Public Meeting Materials

For access to the meeting boards and presentations, contact the project team.