Purpose & Need

What is a ‘Purpose and Need’?
A Purpose and Need Statement describes what a project is seeking to accomplish and why it is necessary. All potential improvements, including a “No Action” alternative are evaluated against the Purpose and Need, leading to the selection of a “Proposed Action.”
The purpose of the I-25: Speer & 23rd Bridge and Interchange Project is:
- To address the increasing maintenance needs and deteriorating condition of the aging 23rd Avenue and Speer Boulevard bridges over I-25
- To provide crossings with adequate vertical clearance over I-25 for interstate travelers
- To improve the transportation connection across I-25 for all road users
- To improve the safety issues identified within the interchange complex
The need of the I-25: Speer & 23rd Bridge and Interchange Project is:
- To improve safety in interchange complex
- To provide interstate crossings that have adequate clearance over I-25 and structural integrity
- To accommodate pedestrians, bicycles, and other micro mobility devices (small, low speed, human or electric-powered transportation devices) across I-25 and along Speer Boulevard and 23rd Avenue