Stakeholder Engagement

Key Stakeholders

Key stakeholders are made up of a variety of representatives from local, state, and federal agencies, railroad companies, registered neighborhood organizations (RNOs), local businesses, and elected offices. These representatives will inform their networks of information on the Study and will bring input from their networks to the study.

Public Communications

This Study website will serve as the primary source of information to the public and will be updated regularly as new information and materials become available. Additional communications may include presentations to RNOs, public surveys, study report updates, press releases, and more. The Study Team will consider additional public communication and engagement opportunities in communities adjacent to Burnham Yard as they arise.

Infographic for the Burnham Yard Transportation Planning Study Stakeholder Engagement. The center text reads: Linking Study Decisions to Stakeholder Input. Six call-outs for Information Sessions, Interviews, Workshops, Website, Team Meetings, and Equity are detailed in the following list.

Linking study decisions to stakeholder input through the following activities:

  • Stakeholder Info Sessions: In-person updates on Study progress and discussion of narrowed alternatives
  • Community Interviews: Gather input about community concerns, interests, and opportunities
  • Alternatives Workshops: Meetings to narrow alternatives
  • Study Website: Details regarding Study background and opportunity to submit comments and questions
  • Project and Core Team Meetings: Regular meetings to discuss progress, address issues, and gather input
  • Equity Assessment: Interview and data analyses to gather input about equity concerns, issues, and opportunities