Beyond the Transportation Planning Study

Separately from the development of Burnham Yard’s rail corridor, the City and County of Denver will lead a Small Area Planning process to ensure that the community’s priorities are identified and used to inform any future redevelopment projects. Small area plans are created for areas where no neighborhood-level policy guidance exists. This small area planning process will be focused on the land reuse and future development of the remaining portions of Burnham Yard that will not be used to support the function of the rail.

Burnham Yard Project Timelines

Infographic for Burnham Yard Project Timelines. The Transportation Planning Study duration runs from October 2022 through Summer 2023 where four steps are identified and detailed in the following list. Ongoing stakeholder engagement parallels this timeline. The Transportation planning study efforts are split into branches of development: rail corridor and neighborhood, which are also detailed in the following lists.

The purchase of the Burnham Yard property was followed by the Transportation Planning Study, which is currently underway. This Study will end with the selection of a recommended alternative and will be followed by two parallel efforts: Rail Corridor Development and Neighborhood Development.

Burnham Yard Transportation Planning Study

Steps of the study:

  • Establish Goals & Criteria (October to November 2022)
  • Develop Alternatives (November to December 2022)
  • Narrow Alternatives (January to February 2023)
  • Choose Recommended Alternative (February through Summer 2023)
  • Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement (October 2022 through Summer 2023), which will include community and equity interviews, info sessions, and coordination with agencies

Rail Corridor Development

Steps of rail corridor development:

  • NEPA Environmental Assessment
  • Design
  • Permitting
  • Construction of Transportation Facilities
  • Public & Railroad Use

Neighborhood Development

Steps of neighborhood development:

  • Small Area Planning Proces
  •  Division of Burnham Yard Property / Sale of Parcels
  • Approval of Plans / Permitting
  • Construction of Real Estate & Streets
  • Public & Private Use