CO 402 to Crossroads Boulevard: Segment 7

I-25 over Crossroads Bridge Replacement Project
This segment of the I-25 North Corridor includes improvement to 4.3 miles of I-25 and 1.5 miles of US 34.
Improve I-25 Mainline
- Near-term improvements are planned for two general-purpose lanes and one tolled Express Lane in each direction
- The future ultimate condition includes three general-purpose lanes plus one tolled express lane in each direction
- Improved interchanges/new bridges at US 34 and Crossroads Blvd.
- New bridges at the Big Thompson River, Larimer County Road 20, Great Western Railroad, and Union Pacific Railroad
- Improved vertical clearance at bridges
- Improved roadway grades and curves
- Widened and improved pavement and shoulders
- Improved lighting, Intelligent Transportation Systems, signing and striping, and safety barriers
- Improved roadside drainage and water quality
New Express Bus Station on I-25 north of US 34
- Slip-ramps from I-25 allow the bus to quickly exit/enter the freeway, and pick-up/drop-off passengers
- A parking lot is planned with connecting sidewalks to the bus pick-up/drop-off locations
I-25 over Crossroads Boulevard Bridge Replacement Project (RAMP Funded Project)
- Final design is underway with construction expected to begin in the Summer of 2016
- The project also will reconstruct I-25 with wider pavement, shoulders, improved roadway grades, and roadside safety for approximately one half mile north and south of Crossroads Boulevard.
Improved I-25/US 34 Interchange System
- New three-level single point urban interchange (SPUI) and ramp connections at I-25/US 34
- New SPUI on US 34 at Centerra Parkway and Rocky Mountain Avenue
- Ramps that connect the three interchanges together as a system to provide both improved freeway operations and improved local access to Rocky Mountain Avenue and Centerra Parkway
Benefits of I-25/US 34 Interchange System
- $70 million less expensive than EIS alternative
- Reduces wall heights and lengths
- Interchange height reduced by 20+ feet and increased visibility to properties
- Reduces size of Big Thompson bridge and environmental footprint
- Ramps no steeper than 4 percent grade
- No stops and less weaving on US 34
- Less driver confusion—intuitive system
Project Costs
Project cost estimates to build Segment 7 range from $318 million to $387 million. Cost estimating used 2013 dollars to achieve two general-purpose lanes plus one tolled express lane in each direction. Actual project cost is subject to market conditions, such as the value of property that is required for the additional project footprint and construction material and labor costs at the time of project advertisement.
Project Schedule
Currently, the project team is advancing the design of the Crossroads Boulevard Bridge Replacement project, with construction estimated to begin in the Summer of 2016. This project includes funding through CDOT RAMP. The project team also is advancing long-lead items such as utility coordination, right-of-way evaluations, railroad coordination, and local agency coordination. Design will continue to progress in Segment 7 to prepare for potential future funding opportunities and various scenarios of phasing and implementation.