Northeastern Colorado Studies

CO 52 & CO 66 Critical Culvert Rehabilitation

Colorado Highways, CO52 - MP 35.83 // CO66 - MP 50.32 & MP 49.62 Project description The culverts will be rehabilitated using the centrifugally cast concrete pipe (CCCP) method which uses centrifugal force to uniformly line the inside of each pipe with a high strength mortar. During construction at each site, one lane will be closed for the construction crews to work in. The goal of the project is to increase the longevity of each storm water conveyance pipe to prevent failures and erosion of the embankment(s), while ensuring the safety of the travelling public.

CO 59 Resurfacing from Seibert to Cope

CO 59 from Seibert to Cope - The project consists of overlaying the existing roadway with 2.5 inches of hot mix asphalt and in places patching degraded areas. In addition, various structures will receive rehabilitation work. This will include bridge railing, guardrail, signing, delineators, and striping. This will improve the roadway function and make it safer for traffic. Kit Carson, Washington Counties, Colorado Highway