Mt. Garfield Culvert Study

Project Update
Project design began in the summer of 2021 and progressed to 90% completion, where cost estimates escalated due to complex design elements and general construction cost inflation. CDOT and other stakeholders currently do not have sufficient funding available to construct the proposed design. Design and funding options will continue to be explored by CDOT and other stakeholders. The revised Mt. Garfield Selection Study Report is available upon request.

About the Project

CDOT recognized the need to address the condition of the existing box culvert located where 35 8/10 Road intersects with I-70 in Mesa County near Palisade.

The existing box culvert was constructed in 1962 to access the Gearhart coal mine located north of I-70. Recently, it has been used by property owners north of I-70 and Mt. Garfield Trailhead users. However, the box culvert has been identified as a critical culvert in poor condition and has been recommended for replacement. Due to several factors, if left unmitigated, the existing box culvert could fail structurally, leading to severe damage to I-70 and compromising the safety of the traveling public.

This study developed potential alternatives to address the condition of the box culvert while maintaining access, evaluated these alternatives, and identified a preferred alternative. Public outreach and discussions with project stakeholders were a large portion of the evaluation process, and feedback from the community assisted the project team in determining which alternative should be implemented.

Ultimately, the preferred alternative that met the purpose and need of the project and had the most support from project stakeholders was to replace the existing box culvert with a new single lane box culvert.

Mt. Garfield Culvert Study alternatives map to replace existing box culvert with a new single lane box culvert

Project location is where 35 8/10 Road intersects with I-70 in Mesa County near Palisade.

Project Benefits

  1. Structural deficiencies of the existing culvert would be addressed.
  2. Drainage issues occurring in the existing structure would be improved.

Project Schedule

Study: 2019 to 2021

  • Public outreach and discussions with stakeholders (BLM, Mesa County, Town of Palisade, and City of Grand Junction) 2021

Key Happenings:

  • Select alternative: New single-lane box culvert
  • Conduct site investigations including survey, utility and soils investigation

2022 Key Happenings:

  • Complete preliminary and final design of the box culvert
  • Identify additional funding needs - CDOT and other stakeholders explore design and funding options.

Anticipated Construction:

  • To Be Determined