I-76 Corridor Improvements Between Iliff & Crook Interchanges

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation and contracting partner Castle Rock Construction began a concrete panel replacement and diamond grinding project in July 2024 on Interstate 76, from the Crook Interchange (Mile Point 149) to two miles west of the Iliff Interchange (MP 134).  

The anticipated completion date is November 2025.

The initial phase of the project began at the Crook and Proctor Interchanges and involved constructing several crossover detours to facilitate head-to-head traffic. This configuration will ensure crew safety and minimize disruptions to traffic flow during construction. Additional work included road resurfacing, bridge rehabilitation, and upgrading guardrails and signage along this critical transportation route. These improvements will ensure a smoother, safer drive for motorists and extend the life of the highway.

Project Benefits

  • Concrete panels that are cracked, broken and not seated properly will be replaced to mitigate further deterioration of the road
  • Diamond grinding the roadway will take place to improve the smoothness and surface texture of the concrete pavement. This method involves the use of diamond saw blades to grind the surface of the pavement, removing irregularities, bumps, and imperfections resulting in a much smoother ride for vehicles.
  • Installation of new signs and final striping will improve safety, efficiency, and communication for motorists
  • Guardrails will be upgraded to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway, reducing the severity of crashes and minimizing the risk of injuries and fatalities

Work Schedule

  • Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Weekend work may be required
  • The schedule is weather-dependent and subject to change

Traffic Impacts

  • Eastbound traffic will be redirected to westbound I-76, for a head-to-head traffic configuration. Traffic in both directions will use the westbound side of the interstate, with barriers separating lanes
    • Left lanes will be closed 24/7 on eastbound and westbound I-76 between the Iliff and Proctor Interchanges (MP 132 to 143)
    • Proctor Exit 141 will remain open
  • A 12-foot width restriction will be in place
  • The speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph at crossovers and will be 55 mph throughout the remainder of the construction zone
  • Please use caution traveling through the work zone
  • Construction vehicles will be entering and exiting the work zone
  • For current road conditions, visit COtrip.org.

Work this Week & Lane Closures for I-76 Interchanges

Project Facts

  • Construction Cost: $20 Million
  • Contractor: Castle Rock Construction
  • Timeline: July 2024 to November 2025
  • Location: I-76 between Iliff and Crook Interchanges
    • Nearest Town/City: Iliff to Crook
    • Mile Point(s): MP 132 to 150
    • County: Logan
Interstate 76 project location map from the Crook Interchange to two miles west of the Iliff Interchange (MP 150 to 132)
Interstate 76 project location map from the Crook Interchange to two miles west of the Iliff Interchange (MP 150 to 132)