Working Groups - CSS Process

Decision Process Working Group

Methods for Decision Making must be fair, open, equitable and inclusive. Collaboration moves decision making beyond individual and agency interests. New ideas will always be considered with respect and an open mind.


  • Design a collaborative decision process that will ensure future decisions are made in a fair, open, equitable and inclusive manner.
  • Include in the process a method for amending the CSS Guidance Manual with new ideas and best practices.
  • Design the process to be scaleable based on project size and adaptable for each of the 5 Life Cycle Phases.


  • Increase understanding of Decision Science.
  • Customize the 6 Step Process for the corridor.
  • Customize the 6 Step process for each of the 5 Life Cycle Phases.
  • Increase understanding about effective teams.
  • Establish the framework for required and as-needed teams.
  • Establish the appropriate public participation and information for each phase.
  • Gain endorsement and support for the process.
  • Document the products.

  • Members list
  • CSS Process Working Group Members
  • Process/Timeline Fact Sheet
  • CE/CSS Process Flow Chart
  • CSS  Process Work Plan
  • Process Working Group Materials [PDFs]
    • Life Cycle Phases
    • I-70 Mountain Corridor Decision Process
    • Wharton at Work
    • Beblin's Team Roles
    • Building Blocks for Teams
    • Margerison McCann Team Performance Wheel
  • Previous Process Working Group Meetings:
  • May 15, 2008
    • May 15, 2008 Process Working Group Agenda
    • May 15, 2008 Process Working Group Decision Text
    • May 15, 2008 Process Working Group Life Cycle Text
    • May 15, 2008 Process Working Group Meeting Minutes
    March 18, 2008
    • Process Working Group March 18, 2008 Agenda
    • Process Working Group March 18, 2008 Decision Process Graphic
    • Process Working Group Life Cycle Graphic
    • Process Working Group Methods and Strategies
    • Process Working Group March 18, 2008 Meeting Minutes