Context Sensitive Solutions on the I-70 Mountain Corridor

Founded on a set of principles outlined in the context statement and core values, the I-70 Mountain Corridor Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) process brings together a multi-disciplined, multi-interest stakeholder group tasked with providing guidance for future studies, designs, and construction projects to ensure that stakeholder values, such as preserving and maintaining scenic and environmental integrity, are incorporated into the project decision making process. For more information on the CSS process, including CSS teams and roles, decision making, and amending the process, check out the information tabs below. 

Context Sensitive Solution Process_Visual Information.JPG

Context-Sensitive Solution Team Roles and Responsibility Graphic (Download the full Context Sensitve Solutions for the Interstate-70 Mountain Corridor transcript)

The Amendment Process allows for the best and newest ideas, consistent with our vision and goals, to be used on the corridor. To ensure flexibility to address and/or incorporate innovations, new techniques, advanced technologies, and emerging trends, this Amendment Process has been designed to revise and update the Context Statement, the Core Values, and the proposed strategies. To amend the CSS Guidance, follow the steps provided below and E-mail amendment requests to [email protected].

Steps to Amending  the I-70 Mountain Corridor CSS Guidance:

Step 1: Define Desired Outcomes and Actions

  • Establish the Project Staff
  • Identify elements of the CSS Guidance for review and potential amendment or revision
  • Determine desired outcomes from the amendment or revision and  actions needed to implement the amendment
  • Define the initial inputs
  • Establish the stakeholder list
  • Draft the Amendment Work Plan

 Step 2: Endorse the Process

  • Identify the problems that amending the guidance will address
  • Confirm inputs and desired outcomes with the Project Leadership Team and stakeholders
  • Endorse the Amendment Work Plan

 Step 3: Establish Criteria

  • Identify the opportunities amending the identified guidance will provide
  • Identify additional information needs

 Step 4: Develop Alternatives or Options

  • Present the revision with the benefits and action items needed to implement the revision
  • Consider Lessons Learned and previous results from applying the existing guidance

 Step 5: Evaluate and Select Alternative or Option

  • Evaluate and refine potential revisions

 Step 6: Finalize Documentation

  • Document revisions and the Amendment Process
  • Amend the I-70 Mountain Corridor CSS Guidance
  • Document Lessons Learned