Final PEIS Files

The following resources below are available for downloading. For access to a document that is not available below, please contact [email protected].

Record of Decision (ROD)

Final PEIS Document

Final PEIS Individual Sections

  1. Complete Document (57MB)
  2. Appendix A, Context Sensitive Solutions
  3. Appendix B, Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
  4. Appendix C, Consensus Recommendation
  5. Appendix D, Stream and Wetland Ecological
    Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Memorandum of Understanding
  6. Appendix E, A Landscape Level Inventory of
    Valued Ecosystem Components (ALIVE) Memorandum of Understanding
  7. Appendix F, Response to Comments (61MB)


Technical Reports

Volume 1

  1. Travel Demand

Volume 2

  1. Transportation Analysis
  2. Alternatives Development and Screening
  3. Alternatives Development and Screening
  4. Appendices
  5. Safety
  6. Cost Estimates

Volume 3

  1. Climate and Air Quality
  2. Biological Resources
  3. Biological Resources Appendices
  4. Wetlands and Other Waters of the U.S.
  5. Water Resources

Volume 4

  1. Geologic Hazards
  2. Regulated Materials and Historic Mining
  3. Land Use and Right-of-Way
  4. Social and Economic Values
  5. Environmental Justice
  6. Noise

Volume 5

  1. Visual Resources
  2. Recreation Resources
  3. Historic Properties and Native American
  4. Consultation
  5. Section 4(f)
  6. Paleontology
  7. Energy

Volume 6

  1. Cumulative Impacts
  2. Financial Considerations
  3. Public and Agency Involvement