Final I-70 PEIS
Click here to review the I-70 Mountain Corridor Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) document.
The Final PEIS documents the first tier (Tier 1) of a Programmatic National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. It is a stand-alone document that presents the data and analysis developed for the I-70 Mountain Corridor since January 2000. The Final PEIS provides background on CDOT’s efforts to collaborate with stakeholders to reach a Consensus Recommendation for needed transportation solutions in the I-70 Mountain Corridor, responds to comments received on the Revised Draft PEIS issued in September 2010, and identifies the Preferred Alternative for the Corridor.
In this programmatic process, referred to as the Tier 1 process, we have identified a program of transportation improvements. The Tier 1 decision will not directly result in construction or impacts. To carry out the program of improvements, subsequent NEPA processes, referred to as Tier 2 processes, will be initiated to develop and evaluate specific projects consistent with the Tier 1 decision.
The lead agencies received more than 1,100 comments from 550 agencies, organizations, and individuals on the Revised Draft PEIS. Most comments required an explanation, clarification, or factual corrections, and some resulted in changes to the PEIS. Many comments sought more detailed information than what is addressed at the Tier 1 level; these details will be addressed in Tier 2 processes.
FHWA and CDOT issued a Record of Decision (ROD) in June 2011. The ROD is a document that states the final decision; identifies the alternatives considered, including the environmentally preferable alternative; and commits to mitigation strategies. The ROD is the final step in this Tier 1 NEPA process.