Central 70 Project

Project complete
Construction of the Central 70 Project is complete as of July 2023 and the operations and maintenance period has started. Tolling of the Express Lanes began July 11.

For information on:
Highway maintenance (between I-25 and Chambers Road), please visit codot.gov/travel/i70denver
Express Lanes, please visit codot.gov/programs/expresslanes/central-70-express-lanes

About the Project

Central 70, between I-25 and Chambers Road, is one of Colorado's economic backbones. It is home to 1,200 businesses, providing the regional connection to Denver International Airport and carrying upwards of 200,000 vehicles per day.

The Central 70 Project reconstructed a 10-mile stretch of I-70 between Brighton Boulevard and Chambers Road, added one new Express Lane in each direction, removed the aging 57-year-old viaduct, lowered the interstate between Brighton and Colorado boulevards, and placed a 4-acre park over a portion of the lowered interstate.

CDOT made a number of commitments to the local community as part of the Central 70 Project. These covered a range of issues, from mitigating the impacts of construction noise and dust to contributing funding to affordable housing and fresh food access.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $1.2 billion
  • Funding Sources:
    • Bridge Enterprise: $850 million
    • DRCOG: $50 million
    • SB 228: $180 million
    • City of Denver: $37 million
  • Contractor: Kiewit Meridiam Partners
  • Timeline: Traffic was in final configuration by late 2022. 
  • Location: A 10-mile stretch of I-70 between Brighton Boulevard and Chambers Road