I-25 & Alameda Bridge Replacement
About the Project:
Originally built in 1911, and widened in 1966, the Alameda Avenue bridge over the South Platte River is the oldest bridge on the state highway system. The project will replace the bridge and provide multi-modal improvements for the benefit of drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Project features include:
- Replacing the Alameda Avenue bridge over the South Platte River with a new structure - this will improve multi-modal travel, safety and flood capacities
- Modifying Alameda intersections to improve access and build a multi-modal corridor - this work includes reconfiguring the I-25 South Santa Fe Drive interchange, eliminating South Platte River Drive from Alameda to Cedar, and diverting traffic to the widened South Lipan Street north of West Alameda Avenue
- Reconstructing the South Platte River Trail - there will be improvements in sight distance, increased 12-foot concrete trail, a four-foot finely crushed stone trail, and three-foot vegetated shoulders for an overall trail width of 22 feet
- Constructing an on-street two-way cycle track on the north side of Alameda between South Lipan and South Kalamath streets with a connection to the South Platte River Trail
- Installing a water quality pond and associated South Platte River outfall
- Improving sidewalks on both sides of Alameda
Work Schedule:
- Typical working hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday
Traffic Impacts:
During the next phase of construction, please adhere to closures and follow the bike and walking trail signs.
- To travel east and west on the sidewalk along Alameda Avenue, please use the north side of the bridge
- To travel north and south along the South Platte River Trail, please cross at Lipan Street

Motorists can expect the following impacts during the period of construction:
- Bridge reconstruction will be phased with Alameda remaining open except for an occasional night time or weekend closure for bridge removal
- Motorists can also expect one-lane and turn-lane closures in the construction zone
- During the initial phase of construction, Lipan Street will be built out in preparation for removing South Platte River Drive. Closures of Lipan Street can be expected
- The South Platte River Trail will be detoured around the construction zone where it crosses under Alameda, but will remain open
Travel Impacts when Bridge Reopens
- Two lanes of the Alameda Avenue bridge will remain open in each direction during construction with the exception of bridge demolition work
- Motorists must be prepared for narrowed lanes on the Alameda Avenue bridge and can expect single-lane and turn-lane closures on South Platte River Drive
- Large tractor-trailers will be detoured around the bridge due to the narrow lanes
- Drivers must heed the speed limit and drive with extra care through the tight construction zone
- The South Platte River Drive intersection at Alameda Avenue will be removed with motorists using Lipan Street instead
- The South Platte River Trail will remain open but detoured around the construction zone where it crosses under Alameda Avenue
- Newly constructed Lipan roadway and sidewalks
- No left turns northbound on South Platte Drive to Alameda Avenue
- Alameda bridges over the South Platte River and I-25
- Schedules are subject to change based on weather and availability of materials
Work this Week & Lane Closures
I-25 & Alameda Bridge
Project Facts
- Cost: $22,317,300
- Contractor: Ames Construction
- Timeline: January 2023 to Summer 2025
- Location: I-25 & Alameda Avenue over South Platte River Bridge (C0 26)
- City: Denver
- Mile Points: MP 207 to MP 207.5
- County: Denver