CO 52 Intersection
CO 52 Intersection
Existing Intersection
Future Intersection
A schematic map of the intersection at CO 52 and CO 119, showing the layout and features of the area: bikeway lanes parallel to CO 119, bikeway underpass CO 52 and bus queue bypass lanes.
Physically separating northbound and southbound CO 119.
New BRT stations with bus queue bypass lanes for both directions of CO 119.
The project does not plan to construct a Park-N-Ride at this location. Given the proximity of the IBM campus on the northwest and the Boulder Tech Center, the project is focused on the first and final mile connections planned to connect to the IBM campus and the Boulder Tech Center. The City of Boulder, Boulder Chamber, Boulder County, and RTD are working cooperatively to develop a FlexRide/Shuttle (Gunbarrel Shuttle) that will cover the Gunbarrel/Heatherwood area, to allow better access to the area as a whole, as well as to the BRT system. Based on funding and available resources, this “partnership project” is planned to begin operating in mid-2025, in coordination with initial phasing of the BRT service in 2026.