Chain Station Technology & Communications Upgrades
About the Project
Work will occur along Interstate 70, Vail to Genessee, and Interstate 25, in Monument, and Trinidad. The first phase of the paving project will happen on I-70 from Mile Point 178.5, 2 miles before exit 180 to East Vail to MP 253.3, near exit 254 to Genessee Park. Crews will then move operations to I-25 in the city of Monument at MP 159, between exit 158 to Baptist Road and exit 161 to CO 105. The final phase will be in Trinidad on I-25 at MP 9, just after exit 8 to Spring Creek.
Project Area

Project Benefits
- The project will help ensure that commercial motor vehicles have a safe location to chain up or down
- The chain-up stations provide a safe environment for drivers to pull off the roadway, get out of their vehicles, and manually put chains on tires or remove chains from tires
Work Schedule
- Work will last 12 months with a winter shutdown
- Working hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday
Traffic Impacts
- Impacts are pending
- Refer to for real-time travel conditions and road closures
Work this Week & Lane Closures
I-70 Copper Mountain, Frisco and Silverthorne
I-70 Herman Gulch, Bakerville & Georgetown
Project Facts
- Construction Cost: $3.8 Million
- Contractor: Morton Electric, Inc.
- Timeline: November 2024 to November 2025, with a winter shutdown from January 2025 to May 2025
- Location:
- I-70 Vail & Vail Pass Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Vail
- Mile Point(s): MP 178.5, 183 and 185.2
- County: Eagle
- I-70 Copper Mountain, Frisco and Silverthorne Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Copper Mountain, Frisco and Silverthorne
- Mile Point(s): MP 195.5, 203 and 206
- County: Summit
- I-70 Herman Gulch, Bakerville and Georgetown Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Georgetown
- Mile Points: MP 219.5, 220.7 and 228.5
- County: Clear Creek
- Location: I-70 Idaho Springs Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Idaho Springs
- Mile Points: MP 242
- County: Clear Creek
- Location: I-70 El Rancho & Genessee Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Evergreen & Genessee
- Mile Points: MP 250.3 and 253.3
- County: Jefferson
- Location: I-25 Baptist Road Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Monument
- Mile Points: MP 159
- County: El Paso
- Location: I-25 Starkville Chain Stations
- Nearest Town: Trinidad
- Mile Points: MP 9
- County: Las Animas
- I-70 Vail & Vail Pass Chain Stations