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C-470 & Quincy Roundabouts

Weekly Traffic Impacts & Work Update

Traffic Impacts - Oct. 27 to Nov. 2

Please be advised of the following travel advisory, traffic impacts, restrictions and planned work for next week for the C-470 & Quincy Roundabout interchange improvement project in Jefferson County. 

Travel Advisory - Oct. 28-Nov. 10 - Ramp closures

Monday, Oct. 28 to Sunday, Nov. 10 - W. Quincy Ave. On & Off Ramps to Westbound C-470 - 24/7 closure, with detours posted
  • The W. Quincy Ave. on and off ramps to westbound C-470 will be closed for up to two weeks so crews can reconstruct the ramps and correct elevation differences between the ramps and new roundabout 
  • The closures will be in place 24/7 from 7 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 28 to approximately 7 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10
  • Detour routes will be posted (please refer to the map below)
  • To access westbound C-470, take W. Quincy Ave. east to Simms to US 285 north to enter westbound C-470
  • To exit westbound C-470, take the Bowles exit (Exit 7) or US 285 exit (Exit 5B)
  • Other local detour routes do exist
  • The detour routes will add up to 5 miles and 7 minutes to travel times
  • W. Quincy Ave. will be open in its current two-way, reduced lane configuration
  • A 12-foot width restriction is in place within the work zone
  • Variable message boards, signs and construction devices will be present to alert motorists to the ramp closures and detour routes
  • The eastbound C-470 on and off ramps at Quincy will remain open
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
Work includes reconstructing the ramps.
Recommended detour routes shown in yellow, green and red will be posted during the closure of the westbound C-470 on and off ramps at W. Quincy Ave.

Ongoing Traffic Impacts

Sunday, Oct. 27 to Saturday, Nov. 2 - W. Quincy Ave. Northbound Ramp Intersection (westbound C-470 ramps) - 24/7 reduced lanes & traffic realignment
  • Traffic has been shifted from the east and south side of W. Quincy Ave. to the north and west side of W. Quincy Ave.
  • Eastbound traffic is in the north lane at the roundabout and westbound traffic is in the new slip through lane
  • This new lane alignment is in place at the site of the C-470/W. Quincy Ave. northbound ramp intersection
  • The two-lane configuration will remain in place until further notice while crews work on the south side of the new roundabout
  • Three-way stop signs have been added at the Turkey Creek Road intersection and at the C-470 northbound ramp intersection to manage traffic flows, with short delays expected
  • Additional stop and speed limit signs have been added on eastbound and westbound W. Quincy Ave. to maintain safety in the work zone
  • A stop sign and a barricade wall are in place at the W. Tufts Ave. and W. Quincy Ave. intersection
  • A 12-foot width restriction exists through the work zone
  • Shoulder closures will be taken during certain work activities
  • Working hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, except on holidays
  • Please exercise caution and obey posted speed limits and signs
  • The project limits on W. Quincy Ave. extend from Mile Point 0 to MP .56
  • Signs and construction devices are present to alert motorists to the traffic shift, reduced lanes and work zone restrictions
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
Work includes installing barrier, removing existing traffic signal equipment, and moving pull boxes. Other work includes asphalt and concrete removals for ramp reconstruction.
Views of construction underway at the roundabout and T-intersection for the C-470 & Quincy improvement project. Photography by Estate Media. 


Sunday, Oct. 27 to Saturday, Nov. 2 - W. Quincy Ave. Southbound Ramp Intersection (eastbound C-470 ramps) - 24/7 reduced lanes
  • Three-way stop signs have been added to manage traffic flows
  • Lanes are reduced and caution is advised
  • A 12-foot width restriction exists through the work zone
  • Shoulder closures will be taken during certain work activities
  • Working hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, except on holidays
  • Please exercise caution and obey posted speed limits and signs
  • The project limits at this location extend from Mile Point 0 to MP .225
  • Signs and construction devices are present to alert motorists to traffic shifts, reduced lanes and work zone restrictions
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change

Work Zone Safety Alert

  • Please drive slowly and exercise caution within the project limits as conditions are changeable and construction crews, pedestrians and cyclists may be present
  • Eastbound traffic should take extra precautions due to early morning sun glare 
  • Adjust your speed to avoid sudden reactions
  • A new traffic pattern is in place on W. Quincy Ave. at the site of the northbound ramp intersection where the roundabout is being built
  • Traffic is in a two-lane configuration until further notice
  • New stop signs and speed limit signs have been added within the work zone to manage traffic flows and maintain safety for the traveling public, the construction crews and the surrounding community
  • New stop signs have been added at the site of the southbound ramp intersection during construction of a T-intersection with traffic signal
  • Please obey speed limits and traffic signs and exercise caution
  • Message boards, signs and construction devices are present to alert the public to the work zone, closures and restrictions

General Impacts, Schedule & Scope of Work

  • The project began in mid-May with an anticipated duration of 18 months
  • Work includes adding a single lane roundabout with bypass lanes at the Quincy and C-470 northbound ramp intersection, and a T-intersection with traffic signal at the Quincy and C-470 southbound ramp intersection
  • Other work includes adding capacity, building retaining walls, installing signs, and making drainage improvements
  • Periodic on and off ramp closures to and from C-470 at Quincy Ave will be taken during off-peak daytime as well as overnight hours
  • Some closures of half the existing Quincy Ave over C-470 bridge will be taken for roundabout and other construction, with two-way traffic maintained and 12-ft width restriction in place
  • A single lane closure on northbound C-470 will exist later in the project for sign work
  • Onsite detour pavement will be built to route traffic around the proposed roundabout location
  • Other detour routes will be marked for use during later phases of construction
  • No work will take place on mainline C-470
  • Normal working hours will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday
  • Overnight work can be expected
  • The project limits on C-470 extend from MP 6.10 to MP 6.80
  • The project limits on Quincy extend from MP 0 to MP .56
  • Signs and construction devices will be present to alert the public to the work zone, closures and restrictions
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
  • Please refer to for real-time travel conditions and to plan your trips!

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