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C-470 & Quincy Roundabouts

Weekly Traffic Impacts & Work Update

Traffic Impacts - June 2 to June 8

Please be advised of the following traffic impacts, restrictions and planned work for next week for the C-470 & Quincy Roundabout interchange improvement project in Jefferson County. 

Weekday Impacts

Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 7 - W. Quincy Ave. - intermittent lane closures & traffic shift
  • Intermittent daytime lane closures will exist within the Quincy/C-470 northbound ramp intersection roundabout limits
  • Once striping is complete, traffic will be shifted south so crews can access the north half of the roundabout area
  • The new lane alignment will be in place 24/7 until further notice
  • Shoulder closures will be taken during certain work activities
  • Working hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and 7 a.m. to noon on Friday, May 24
  • The project limits extend from Mile Point 0 to MP .56
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
Work includes adding temporary striping, surveying, installing temporary barrier, shifting traffic south at the site of the roundabout, excavating and grading, and performing electrical and drainage work.

No Planned Impacts

Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 7 - C-470 - no planned closures
  • There are no planned closures during this period
  • The project limits on C-470 extend from MP 6.10 to MP 6.80
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
Location and limits of the C-470 & Quincy Roundabout project in Jefferson County.

General Impacts, Schedule & Scope of Work

  • The project began in mid-May with an anticipated duration of 18 months
  • Work includes adding a single lane roundabout with bypass lanes at the Quincy and C-470 northbound ramp intersection, and a T-intersection with traffic signal at the Quincy and C-470 southbound ramp intersection
  • Other work includes adding capacity, building walls, installing signs, and making drainage improvements
  • Periodic on and off ramp closures to and from C-470 at Quincy Ave will be taken during off-peak daytime as well as overnight hours
  • Some closures of half the existing Quincy Ave over C-470 bridge will be taken for roundabout and other construction, with two-way traffic maintained and 12-ft width restriction in place
  • A single lane closure on northbound C-470 will exist later in the project for sign work
  • Onsite detour pavement will be built to route traffic around the proposed roundabout location
  • Other detour routes will be marked for use during later phases of construction
  • No work will take place on mainline C-470
  • Normal working hours will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday
  • Overnight work can be expected
  • The project limits on C-470 extend from MP 6.10 to MP 6.80
  • The project limits on Quincy extend from MP 0 to MP .56
  • Signs and construction devices will be present to alert the public to the work zone, closures and restrictions
  • Construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change

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