Archived Project Sites
Keywords: Colorado Highways, State Highways
Keywords: US Highways, State Highways
Keywords: Construction Complete
Construction Complete, Colorado Highways, State Highways, US Highways
US Highways, Colorado Highways, State Highways
US Highways
US Highways
South Federal Blvd between Alameda and Vassar Avenue Project description CDOT will improve South Federal Boulevard from Alameda Avenue to Vassar Avenue by installing raised medians. Work will include removal of pavement, curb and gutter, median installation, signing and striping. This project will provide improved safety to motorists and pedestrians. Raised medians provide refuge islands that allow pedestrians to cross on direction of traffic at a time, wait in the island of the raised median and then cross the other direction of traffic when prompted. The raised medians will reduce car crashes, reduce vehicle speeds and decrease the rate and severity of crashes. CO 88
South Federal Blvd between Alameda and Vassar Avenue Project description CDOT will improve South Federal Boulevard from Alameda Avenue to Vassar Avenue by installing raised medians. Work will include removal of pavement, curb and gutter, median installation, signing and striping. This project will provide improved safety to motorists and pedestrians. Raised medians provide refuge islands that allow pedestrians to cross on direction of traffic at a time, wait in the island of the raised median and then cross the other direction of traffic when prompted. The raised medians will reduce car crashes, reduce vehicle speeds and decrease the rate and severity of crashes. CO 88
Keywords: Interstates
State Highways, US Highways