Archived Project Sites

CO 10 Overlay La Junta West

Colorado Highways, Southwest of La Junta on CO highway 10 leveling, overlay, and repairs of the highway in selected location, rotomilling, bridge repair, placing shoulder material, seeding, mulching, and removal and replacement of guardrail, bridge rail, delineators, signing, and rumble strips and striping.

CO 12 Culvert Repairs in Huerfano and Las Animas County

Construction Complete, Colorado Highways, CO-12 over Cucharas River Project description Project consists of 4 culvert repairs located along CO-12 in both Huerfano and Las Animas Counties. Site 1: Location: CO-12 Northbound and Southbound over Cucharas River. Huerfano County Start MM: 3.95 Eng MM: 3.95 Open cut of North and Southbound lanes to remove existing CMP pipe and replacing with a horizontal elyptical pipe (two side by side). Culvert length = 48 ft Site 2: Location: CO-12 over Guajatoya Creek in Las Animas County Grout filling voids in pipe, using spincast technique to repair 251 LF of culvert with a mortar compound. Site 3: Location: Co-12 over Bear Creek in Las Animas County Description: Grout filling voids in pipe, using spincast technique to repair 240 linear feet of culvert with a mortar compound. Site 4: Location: CO-12 in Las Animas County Unburying and cleaning out existing 5' x 5' box culvert.