Pic 5
SH 119 Main Street South Groundbreaking Ceremony November 16, 2010 Pictured from left Tony DeVito, CDOT Region 1 Transportation Director; Black Hawk Mayor David Spellman; Gilpin County Commissioner Buddy Schmalz; Medill Barnes, Silver Dollar Metropolitan District; Steve Laudeman (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment); Mike Holmes (EPA)
https://www.codot.gov/projects/archives/northclearcreekproject/gallery/Groundbreaking%20Pictures/119%20Groundbreaking.jpg/@@download/image/119 Groundbreaking.jpg
Pic 5
SH 119 Main Street South Groundbreaking Ceremony November 16, 2010 Pictured from left Tony DeVito, CDOT Region 1 Transportation Director; Black Hawk Mayor David Spellman; Gilpin County Commissioner Buddy Schmalz; Medill Barnes, Silver Dollar Metropolitan District; Steve Laudeman (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment); Mike Holmes (EPA)