US 6 Tunnel Lights & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Project completed

Project Facts

  • Cost: $5 Million
  • Contractor: Lumin8 Transportation Technologies
  • Timeline: April 2021 to April 2022
  • Location: Tunnels 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 along US 6 between CO 58 and CO 93, and I-70 near Idaho Springs

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation will remove and replace all existing tunnel lighting for Tunnels 1-3, 5, and 6 along US 6 Clear Creek Canyon between the intersection of CO 93 and CO 58 to Interstate 70 near Idaho Springs.

The project will modernize the lighting in all five tunnels by replacing existing lighting with new LED tunnel lights, installing lane traffic control signals at the tunnel portals, and other infrastructure updates. The new lighting in the tunnels will improve safety and visibility in Clear Creek Canyon and will be more energy efficient.

Work Schedule

  • Work will be completed in two phases and will be completed in April, 2022