US 24 Manitou Springs Resurfacing & Structural Improvements
Project Facts
- Cost: $11.5 million (construction)
- Contractor: Hamilton Construction Company
- Timeline: June 2019 -Summer 2020
- Location:US 24 in El Paso County, from 8th Street to west of Manitou Springs (mile points 296 to 304)

Starting in June 2019, crews began improving nearly 10 miles of US Highway 24 in El Paso County, from 8th Street to west of Manitou Springs. The project consists of:
- milling and paving US 24;
- extending the turn lane at 21st Street and US 24;
- replacing guardrail;
- repairing bridges on at least four structures;
- preventing bridge scour;
- improving drainage; and
- erosion-control.
This work will extend the life of US 24 and the bridges within the work zone, while also creating a safer travel experience.