Completed Studies

I-25 Valley Highway Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and ROD

November 2006 - The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Valley Highway Project details the Preferred Alternative and project phasing for the reconfiguration and redesign of I-25 between Logan and US 6 (6th Avenue) and elements of US 6 from I-25 to Federal Boulevard. The purpose of the Record of Decision (ROD) is to document the FHWA’s decision on the I-25 Valley Highway Project. Keywords: Studies, Interstates

I-25 Through Pueblo - New Pueblo Freeway EIS and ROD

April 2014 - The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the New Pueblo Freeway details the Preferred Alternative and project phasing for the reconfiguration and redesign of I-25 through Pueblo. The purpose of the Record of Decision (ROD) is to document the FHWA’s decision on the New Pueblo Freeway Project. Keywords: Studies, Interstates

I-25 and Arapahoe Road/SH 88 Interchange Environmental Assessment & FONSI

August 2012 - This Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared under requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to determine if the Action Alternative could have significant impacts on the human environment. February 2013 - This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was prepared under requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Also included, Final System Level Feasibility Study from June 2008. Keywords: Studies, Interstates

I-70/32nd Avenue Interchange Environmental Assessment

October 2006 - The City of Wheat Ridge identified the area southwest of the Interstate 70 / State Highway 58 (I-70/SH 58) interchange as an urban growth area with potential office, commercial, and retail land use to begin development in the next several years (City of Wheat Ridge 2005). Land use in the area southwest of the I-70/SH 58 interchange is changing from previous aggregate mining to retail and commercial use, as identified in the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan (City of Wheat Ridge 1999, as amended in 2005). The proposed change in land use, in conjunction with regional growth, will affect traffic operations at this interchange and on the local arterial streets in the vicinity of the interchange. Keywords: Studies, Interstates, Environmental Assessment, EA

I-70 B West Study

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in coordination with the City of Grand Junction, Mesa County, and the Regional Transportation Planning Office (RTPO) are considering improvements to the I-70B Corridor in Grand Junction, Colorado. The I-70B West study corridor is approximately four miles in length and extends from 24 Road on the west to 15th Street on the east. Keywords: Studies, Interstates

I-70 Twin Tunnels Environmental Assessment

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) documenting analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act for the Twin Tunnels project. The purpose of the project is to improve eastbound highway safety and mobility in the Twin Tunnels area of Interstate 70 (I-70) in Idaho Springs and Clear Creek County, Colorado. FONSI included.

I-76 and Bridge Street Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

The proposed I-76 and Bridge Street Interchange Project is located in Brighton, Colorado, in Adams County. The City of Brighton proposes to construct an interchange at I-76 and Bridge Street on the eastern side of the city. The proposed interchange would provide an opportunity to increase regional east-west connectivity across State Highway 7. This regional connectivity will become increasingly important with future population growth and increased travel demand. Keywords: Studies, Interstates

Northwest Corridor EIS

Northwest Corridor Transportation and Environmental Planning Study - July 2008 - In 2003, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), initiated a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to study the need, merits, and possible impacts of potential transportation improvements in the Northwest Corridor of the Denver metropolitan area. The Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) appeared in the Federal Register dated July 21, 2003, and identified the proposed action as: “an improved connection between the western terminus of the Northwest Parkway in Broomfield County and the SH 58, I-70, or C-470 freeway systems to the south in Jefferson County. This connection is considered necessary to address the need for system linkage, to provide for existing and projected transportation demand, to improve safety, and to enhance modal interrelationships, within the Northwestern Quadrant of the Denver Metropolitan Area.” Keywords: Studies, Non-Highways

Ports to Plains

This study was a joint effort by four state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) including Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. It includes I-70 from I-25 east to US 40/287 and then south along US 40/287 to the Colorado/Oklahoma border. The purpose was to create a Development and Management plan for the Ports to Plains Corridor, which outlines a proposed plan for the corridor and serves as an essential tool for securing federal funding for corridor development. It contains several elements that improve the transportation network’s ability to move people and goods. Nearly 1,400 miles long, the corridor consists of 511 miles of 4- to 6-lane roadway, 755 miles of 2-lane roadway, and 113 miles of roadway in metropolitan areas. Keywords: Studies, US Highways, Interstates

CO 7 Cherryvale to 75th Street EA & FONSI

Environmental Assessment (EA) May 2008 - This Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluates the environmental, social, and economic impact of the proposed action for State Highway (SH) 7 between Cherryvale Road and 75th Street (approximately 2.2 miles). For this study, the lead federal agency is the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is the applicant. This EA evaluates the impacts of the Preferred Alternative. This is compared against the No-Action Alternative. Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) October 2008 - SH 7 is a principal east-west arterial roadway serving as a commuter and intra-regional facility (see Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2). To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an Environmental Assessment (EA) was conducted to evaluate the reasonable alternatives that address the purpose and need for the project and assesses the impacts of implementing the proposed improvements. Two alternatives, the No-Action Alternative and the Preferred Alternative (build alternative) were evaluated in the EA. The build alternative was identified as the Preferred Alternative. Keywords: Studies, State Highways

SH 402 EA and FONSI

Environmental Assessment (EA) - July 2007 and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) - January 2008- encompasses the 4-mile length of SH 402 although improvements are not needed for the area between SH 287 and CR 13C (St. Louis Avenue), which was widened by developers in coordination with the city of Loveland and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) under a Categorical Exclusion (CE). Keywords: Studies, State Highways, Studies