Public & Agency Participation
Understanding the ideas, perspectives and needs of key stakeholders in the corridor area was critical to building broadly supported decisions and solutions. The study included multiple opportunities for the local jurisdictions, regional partners, and general public to engage and inform the study.
The public and agency outreach plan included the following:
The general public was actively engaged, ensuring meaningful input was provided on the corridor issues, vision, alternatives development and screening, and priorities for the phasing of recommended improvements.
Public Involvement Events:
- Nov. 9, 2016
- Nov. 15, 2016: Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport
- Nov. 16, 2016: Ken Caryl Ranch House
- Nov. 17, 2016: Golden Community Center
- Jan. 16, 2018: Golden Community Center
- Jan. 24, 2018: Three Creeks Elementary School
- Jan. 25, 2018: Ken Caryl Ranch House
The TWG was comprised of corridor communities' technical staff representatives. This group met frequently (expected every six to eight weeks) with consultant representatives to provide technical input as the study progressed. The members of the TWG kept their respective elected officials updated, and served as the primary connection with their communities or organizations.
The WestConnect Coalition Steering Committee is comprised of elected officials and high-level staff from local communities. The committee met with study team representatives at seven points during the study process. For a list of WestConnect Steering Committee representatives and past meetings, visit the coalition web page. Steering committee meetings were open to the public; however, public participation is limited to observation of meeting proceedings, with a brief period allotted at the end of each meeting for public questions and comments.