WestConnect Coalition PEL Study

Study complete


The WestConnect Coalition conducted a Planning and Environmental Linkages study to evaluate and develop short-term and long-term transportation alternatives, and to identify proposed improvements along C-470, between Kipling and I-70, and along the US 6/CO 93 corridor between Golden and Boulder.

The PEL study evaluated options to reduce congestion, improve operational performance and safety, and address future transportation needs.

Traffic operations and safety are an increasing concern along the C-470/US 6/CO 93 corridor. The C-470, US 6 and CO 93 corridors have a long history of discussion and debate by agencies and public interest over needed improvements, facility type and traffic operations. In response to these growing challenges, the local agency stakeholders came together to create the WestConnect Corridor Coalition. The Coalition then worked with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to complete this PEL study. 

The PEL study evaluated options to:

  • reduce congestion;
  • improve operational performance and safety; and
  • address future transportation needs. 

As part of the study process, public, environmental, and resource concerns and opportunities in the corridor were identified and used to develop alternatives to address capacity restrictions and safety. The PEL study documented the goals, objectives and visions of various jurisdictions for the corridor, and worked with stakeholders and the WestConnect Coalition to develop a list of projects to move toward implementation.

The key objectives of the PEL study were to:

  • Conduct public outreach and coordination with local, state and federal resource agencies.
  • Identify existing and future issues, and problem areas in the corridor from operational, mobility, maintenance and safety perspectives.
  • Identify natural resource and/or environmental agency concerns.
  • Consolidate and address jurisdiction priorities and plans.
  • Develop alternatives to address the short-term and long-term needs, and consider potential funding sources.
  • Prepare a prioritized list of proposed improvements.
  • Establish cost estimates for the WestConnect Coalition to use when seeking project funding.
  • Develop next steps, an implementation plan and potential funding options.

The PEL Process

This transportation study was conducted using the PEL process. The PEL process is a study approach used to identify transportation issues and environmental concerns, which can be applied to make planning decisions and for planning analysis. PEL studies link planning to environmental issues, and result in valuable information that may ultimately be used to prepare a NEPA study and final design.

Learn more about CDOT's PEL Program.