SH 402 EA and FONSI
Environmental Assessment (EA) - July 2007 and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) - January 2008- encompasses the 4-mile length of SH 402 although improvements are not needed for the area between SH 287 and CR 13C (St. Louis Avenue), which was widened by developers in coordination with the city of Loveland and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) under a Categorical Exclusion (CE). Keywords: Studies, State Highways, Studies
SH 402 EA and FONSI
Environmental Assessment (EA) - July 2007 and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) - January 2008- encompasses the 4-mile length of SH 402 although improvements are not needed for the area between SH 287 and CR 13C (St. Louis Avenue), which was widened by developers in coordination with the city of Loveland and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) under a Categorical Exclusion (CE). Keywords: Studies, State Highways, Studies
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