I-25 Expansion, Colorado Springs to Monument
Project Overview
The Interstate 25 (I-25) Expansion Project was an 11-mile, design-build project in northern El Paso County that added one lane in each direction of I-25 between Woodmen Road in Colorado Springs and State Highway 105 in Monument. The capacity improvements to this stretch of the interstate were designed to improve mobility and safety.
A major transportation corridor for the state, I-25 connects more than three million residents along the Front Range from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, to destinations in northern Colorado.
As the only north-south freeway within El Paso County, it is the region’s most heavily traveled roadway, serving more than a half million Pikes Peak area residents. Population growth, and projected continued growth, has resulted in increased corridor congestion.
In alignment with the South Front Range Corridor Assessment’s recommendation to address congestion within urban areas, the I-25 Expansion: Colorado Springs to Monument project was identified as a priority to alleviate congestion and improve safety for the traveling public.
During peak travel hours, this segment of I-25 experienced significant traffic backups. The expansion project benefited local residents and businesses, improved the trip for those driving this segment of the interstate and contributed to regional economic vitality by making it easier to reach Colorado Springs.
The project improved mobility and safety by:
- Widening 11 miles of I-25 (northbound and southbound) from 2 lanes to 3 lanes, Woodmen Road to Monument exit
- Adding auxiliary lanes at on/off ramps between Woodmen Road and Interquest Parkway
- Changing the ramp configuration at North Gate Boulevard
- Relocating and improving the Ackerman Overlook
- Relocating and expanding the truck chain-up station currently located south of Baptist Road
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) contracted with Kiewit Infrastructure Co. (Kiewit), in association with its design sub-consultant Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), to design and construct the I-25 Expansion project. The Kiewit/PB design-build team was committed to delivering a quality project that met CDOT’s four goals for expanding I-25 capacity.
- Alleviate corridor congestion
- Minimize impacts to the natural environment
- Reduce project impacts to travelers
- Complete the project by Dec. 31, 2014 (CDOT mandatory completion date)
The project protects habitat and wetlands, improves access onto and off the interstate, eases congestion along this stretch of I-25, and improves safety to the traveling public.