CO 101 Bridges South of Las Animas

Project Complete

About the Project

This project consists of rehabilitation and widening of existing bridge structure L-24-F, and the reconstruction of existing bridge structure M-24-B. Both structures are located in Bent County, along SH 101, south of Las Animas.  These structures are considered structurally deficient and functionally obsolete.

FASTER – Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery – is funding this project.   Financed by vehicle registration fees, FASTER established a Statewide Bridge Enterprise, funding the maintenance and repair of Colorado’s most urgent structurally-deficient and functionally-obsolete bridges.

Structure L-24-F is located on SH101 at milepost 2.5, over the Purgatoire River.  This structure will be rehabilitated and widened.  Structure M-24-B is located on SH101 at milepost 5.8, over a dry arroyo; this structure will be a total reconstruction. During construction, on-site traffic detours will be necessary at M-24-B, and possibly at L-24-F.

Wildcat Construction Co. of Witchita, Kansas, is the apparent low bidder on this $3 million project.